This package provides JSX module about web-touch-ripple package.
This package provides JSX module about web-touch-ripple package.
See Also: If you want to use this component in Preact, you need to refer to offical docs of Preact.
Properties of <TouchRipple>
| Identifier | Description | Type | ------ | ------ | ------ | onTap | Called when a user taps or clicks. | VoidFunction | onDoubleTap | Called when a user double taps or double clicks. | VoidFunction | onLongTap | Called when a user long press or long clicks or long pointer-down. | VoidFunction | wait | Whether to postpone the invocation of the related event callback function until the end of the ripple effect fade-in animation. | boolean | selector | A CSS selector string used to target a specific child element within the component. The ripple effect will be applied to this element when a pointer event occurs. This allows you to control exactly which child element the ripple effect will affect, without changing the element tree structure. | string | children | Hmm... This is just children elements of JSX about <TouchRipple>, And i'm think so easy, right?. | JSX.Element
Properties of <TouchRippleConnection>
| Identifier | Description | Type | ------ | ------ | ------ | children | Hmm... This is just children elements of JSX about <TouchRippleConnection>, And i'm think so easy, right?. | JSX.Element