A XML based Automation Tessting tool for Web
A XML based Web Autoamtion Testing Framework.
npm i web-automation-xml --save
const execute = require('web-automation-xml')
const join = require('path').join;
const _path = join(__dirname, 'testing.xml');
headless: false,
viewport: { width: 1200, height: 800 },
filePath: _path
<TestCase id='testcase1' description="Google Search Testcase"">
<Operation operationType="goto" link="https://www.google.com/"/>
<Operation operationType="type" selector="body > div.L3eUgb > div.o3j99.ikrT4e.om7nvf > form > div:nth-child(1) > div.A8SBwf > div.RNNXgb > div > div.a4bIc > input" value="web-automation-xml npm"/>
<Operation operationType="click" selector="body > div.L3eUgb > div.o3j99.ikrT4e.om7nvf > form > div:nth-child(1) > div.A8SBwf > div.FPdoLc.lJ9FBc > center > input.gNO89b"/>
<Operation operationType="capture" fileName="googleSampleSearch" waitFor="5000"/>
| Field | Usage | Values | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | headless | To open browser headless or not | Boolean | | viewport | Viewport Configuration when opening the broswer | Object | | viewport.width | Width of the screen that is opened | Number | | viewport.height | Height of the screen that is opened | Number | | filePath | Path to the XML file that contains the Test suite. | String | | payload | Object containing Dynamic keys that is used in Operations | Object |
XML Tags & Attributes
This is a single Test Suite that contains the Test cases to be executed.
This contains the list of Test cases available under the Test Suite.
This is single unit of Test case. This has the list of Operations that needs to be executed when runing the testcase.
| Arrtibute | Usage | Values | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | id | Unique Identifier for each Test cases | String or Number | | description | Description of the Test case. | String | | retry | Number of times the test case should be tried when failed in between. | Number |
This contains the list of Operation available under the TestCase.
This specify the single opeartion that needs to be perforemd.
| Arrtibute | Usage | Values | | ------ | ------ | ------ | | operationType | This specify the tyoe of the Operation | ENUM (type, goto, scroll, capture, click) | | link | Link of the webpage. Used when operationType is goto | String | | delay | Delay in typing Characters if operationType is type. Default value is 10. Unit is millisecond | Number | | selector | The Selector of the HTML Element in which operation needs to be performed. | String | | waitFor | Time till which the script waits before executing the current operation. Can be millisecond or a Selector | Selector or Number | | timeout | Maximim time till which we wait for a Selector. This is used when waitFor is provided as Selector. Default value is set to 10000(10s)| Number | | fileName | File name with which the captured Screen must be saved. Used in case operationType is capture | String | | target | For operationType - click, the window may opens in a new Tab. When we need to focus on newly opened window we need to have target="newWindow" | String | | distance | Distance in px that needs to be scrolled along. Used when operationType is scroll. Unit is px | Number | | value | Text that needs to be typed when operationType is type | String | | evalue | This must be the key from payload(From Options that discussed above). Dynamic values will be picked from the payload object. | String | | ignoreError | If there is a operation that breaks and we do not want to stop the Test case Execution , we set ignoreError="true" | Boolean |
Features are still in Development. For any Suggestion or Queries, contact [email protected]