A test suite with some tests for CRUD operations on containers and documents on a Solid pod.
WAC Tests
Surface tests for CRUD and Websockets-pubsub functionality of a pod server
In development
Start your server with a self-signed cert on port 443 of localhost (for node-solid-server, make sure to set ACL_CACHE_TIME=5
) and run sh ./example.sh
Against CSS
In one terminal window:
- check out the https://github.com/solid/community-server repo locally, and run
npm ci; npm run build
- find the function
in node_modules/@solid/dist/identity-token-verifier/dist/guards/DPoPJWKGuard.js and addx.alg = 'RS256'
at the top of that function, to work around a bug in NSS v5.6.4, caused by https://github.com/solid/oidc-op/issues/29. - ./bin/server.js -l debug
In another terminal window:
- check out this repo from https://github.com/solid/web-access-control-tests and run
npm ci
- check out the
branch - simple test (sets a root ACL doc from node and reads it back):
- run
node ./setup.js http://localhost:3000/.acl
to create a root ACL at http://localhost:3000/.acl which gives https://solidtestsuite.solidcommunity.net/profile/card#me full read/write/control access. - run
node ./fetch.js http://localhost:3000/.acl
to check that Alice ('solidtestsuite') can access it. - run
node ./fetch-bob.js http://localhost:3000/.acl
to check that Bob ('solid-crud-tests-example-2') can not access it.
- advanced test (uses the same root ACL doc, but from bash):
bash ./run-against-css.sh
You can also cut-and-paste the lines from run-against-css.sh into your bash shell, then you can more easily run tests interactively.
Against CSS with local NSS instance as the IDP
If you want to use your NSS on localhost instead of on solidcommunity.net, then:
- Run NSS on localhost, in multi-user mode so you can support both Alice and Bob
- You may need to set up alice.localhost in your /etc/hosts, but on Mac that is automatic.
- Browse to https://localhost:8443/ with Firefox and say you accept the self-signed cert (with Chrome the use of self-signed certs has become harder and harder recently)
- Set up a user, alice / 123, and edit ./fetch.js so that
oidcIssuer = 'https://localhost:8443';
,nssUsername = 'alice'
, andnssPassword = '123';
. - Run CSS with
NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0 ./bin/server.js -l debug
. - Run the fetch script with
as well, for instance:
NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED=0 node fetch.js http://localhost:3000/404.txt