A Testrail reporter for webdriver.io including TestRail API basic library (fork from wdio-testrail-reporter)
#Testrail Reporter for Webdriver.io
Pushes test results into Testrail system. Fork from mocha testrail reporter
$ npm install wdio-testrail-custom-reporter --save-dev
Ensure that your testrail installation API is enabled and generate your API keys. See http://docs.gurock.com/
Add reporter to wdio.conf.js:
let WdioTestRailReporter = require('wdio-testrail-custom-reporter');
reporters: ['spec', WdioTestRailReporter],
testRailsOptions: {
domain: "yourdomain.testrail.net",
username: "username",
password: "password",
projectId: 1,
suiteId: 1,
runName: "My test run"
includeAllTest: true
Mark your mocha test names with ID of Testrail test cases. Ensure that your case ids are well distinct from test descriptions.
it("C123 Authenticate with invalid user", . . .
it("Authenticate a valid user C321", . . .
Only passed or failed tests will be published. Skipped or pending tests will not be published resulting in a "Pending" status in testrail test run.
domain: string domain name of your Testrail instance (e.g. for a hosted instance instance.testrail.net)
username: string user under which the test run will be created (e.g. jenkins or ci)
password: string password or API token for user
projectId: number projet number with which the tests are associated
suiteId: number suite number with which the tests are associated
assignedToId: number (optional) user id which will be assigned failed tests
includeAllTest: number (optional) default true, if false only tests that were ran with show within test run on TestRail
errorshotHost: string (optional) default null, if provided then screenshot names will be appended to host and included in reports (check wdio-screenshot-uploader-service for more details)
Automatic creation of sections and cases
You can use next command to generate sections/cases based on your tests in test real:
node ./node_modules/wdio-testrail-reporter/scripts/generate-cases.js {relative_path_to_your_wdio.conf} {relative_path_to_your_test_folder}
Example: You have tests structure:
- node_modules
- test-project
-- wdio.conf.js
-- tests
--- test-group-1
---- test-1.js
--- test-group-2
---- test-sub-group-1
----- test-2.js
----- test-3.js
---- test-sub-groop-2
----- test-4.js
node ./node_modules/wdio-testrail-reporter/scripts/generate-cases.js ./wdio.conf.js ./tests
will create in test rail:
section 'test-group-1'
subsection 'test-1'
cases that are described in test-1.js inside subsection 'test-1'
section 'test-group-2'
subsection 'test-sub-group-1' inside section 'test-group-2'
subsection 'test-2' inside subsection 'test-sub-group-1'
subsection 'test-3' inside subsection 'test-sub-group-1'
cases that are described in test-2.js inside subsection 'test-2'
cases that are described in test-3.js inside subsection 'test-3'
subsection 'test-sub-group-2' inside section 'test-group-2'
subsection 'test-4' inside subsection 'test-sub-group-2'
cases that are described in test-4.js inside subsection 'test-4'
also test files (test-1.js - test-4.js) will be updated: id of case will be added to test() function
If your test function is not 'it' then you can specify your test function name as a third argument Command:
node ./node_modules/wdio-testrail-reporter/scripts/generate-cases.js ./wdio.conf.js ./tests testFunctionName
If your test descriptions ever change just re-run the comman to update the testcase on TestRail.
Furture updates
- All recommendations are welcome.
- https://www.npmjs.com/package/mocha-testrail-reporter
- http://webdriver.io/guide/reporters/customreporter.html
- http://docs.gurock.com/testrail-api2/start
- https://www.npmjs.com/package/wdio-screenshot-uploader-service