Robot WebdriverIO cross platform service with access to system mouse, keyboard, clipboard, screen. Also have adapter for nut.js testing framework.
wdio-robonut-service is cross platform (windows, darwin, linux) service with access to system mouse, keyboard, clipboard, screen and seeking image templates on visible screen with nutjs under hood. With the service possible perform system move, click, copy, past, type and so on. Possible check being existed and obtaining coords of image template, drag and drop it and so on.
npm install wdio-robonut-service
interface RobotConfig {
mouseConfig?: { autoDelayMs: number; mouseSpeed: number };
screenConfig?: { confidence: number; autoHighlight: boolean; highlightDurationMs: number; highlightOpacity: number; resourceDirectory: string };
keyboardConfig?: { autoDelayMs: number };
imageFinder?: {
confidence?: number;
providerData?: {
methodType?: MethodNameType;
scaleSteps?: Array<number>;
searchMultipleScales?: boolean;
isRotation: boolean,
rotationOption?: { range?: number; overLap?: number; minDstLength?: number };
debug?: boolean;
roi?: Region;
Like wdio service in wdio.conf.ts
import RobotService from 'wdio-robonut-service';
const robotConfig: RobotConfig = {};
export const config: Options.Testrunner = {
services: [[RobotService, robotConfig]],
For wdio standalone/remote
execute it wherever once after browser initialisation
import RobotCommands from 'wdio-robonut-service';
const robotConfig: RobotConfig = {};
new RobotCommands(browser, robotConfig).addCommands()
const robotConfig: RobotConfig = {};
new RobotDirect(robotConfig).instance()
Main point access
async function dragAndDropImage(imageDrag: ImageElement,imageDrop: ImageElement, timeout: number = 10000) {
await browser.robot.image.dragAndDrop(
{ pathToImage: imageDrag.pathToImage},
{ pathToImage: imageDrop.pathToImage},
{ highLight: timeout/10 , waitTimeout:timeout });
async function dragAndDropImageWithNestedImage(imageDrag: ImageElement,imageDrop: ImageElement, timeout: number = 10000 ) {
await browser.robot.image.dragAndDrop(
{ pathToImage: imageDrag.pathToImage, pathToNestedImage: imageDrag.pathToNestedImage },
{ pathToImage: imageDrop.pathToImage, pathToNestedImage: imageDrop.pathToNestedImage },
{ highLight: timeout/10 , waitTimeout:timeout },
async function clickImage(image: ImageElement,
options: WaitUntilOptions = { interval: 2500, timeout: 10000 }) {
await browser.robot.image.waitForImageDisplayed(image, options);
const location = await browser.robot.image.finder.findMatch({ needle: image.pathToImage });
const point = await browser.robot.rect.centerOf(location.location);
await browser.robot.mouse.move(await browser.robot.rect.straightTo(point));
await browser.robot.mouse.click(Button.LEFT);
async function isWaitForImageDisplayed(image: ImageElement,
options: WaitUntilOptions = { interval: 2500, timeout: 10000 }) {
try {
return (await browser.waitUntil(
async () => {
return !!(await browser.robot.image.finder.findMatch({ needle: image.pathToImage })).location;
}, options
)) as true;
} catch {
return false;
interface Browser {
robot: {
rect: {
straightTo: (target: Point | Promise<Point>) => Promise<Point[]>;
centerOf: (target: Region | Promise<Region>) => Promise<Point>;
randomPointIn: (target: Region | Promise<Region>) => Promise<Point>;
image: {
finder: TemplateMatchingFinder;
reader: { imageResource: (fileName: string) => Promise<Image>; loadImage: (parameters: string) => Promise<Image>; saveImage: (parameters: ImageWriterParameters) => Promise<void> };
clickImage: (image: ImageElement, options: WaitUntilOptions) => Promise<void>;
isWaitForImageDisplayed: (image: ImageElement, options?: WaitUntilOptions) => Promise<boolean>;
waitForImageDisplayed: (image: ImageElement, options?: WaitUntilOptions) => Promise<true | void>;
highlightDisplayedImage: (image: ImageElement, options?: WaitUntilOptions & { highLight?: number }) => Promise<void>;
dragAndDrop: (dragImage: ImageElement, dropImage: ImageElement, options?: RobotDragAndDropType) => Promise<void>;
mouse: MouseClass;
screen: ScreenClass;
keyboard: KeyboardClass;
windowApiProvider: WindowProviderInterface;
clipboard: { sys: SysClipboard; virt: ClipboardClass };
- [x] Robot interfaces
- [x] Image robot
- [ ] Dom element robot (by locators)
- Working with visible display (not headless)
- Working in one thread/instance;