WCT plugin to enable test reporting in TeamCity.
###WCT plugin to enable test reporting in TeamCity.
Uses TeamCity Service messages described in TeamCity Documentation
The plugin produces messages for testStarted, testFinished, testFailed and testIgnored events.
The test names used are formatted as suite.testname.browserName+browserVersion. For example test_suite.passing.chrome40
npm install wct-teamcity-reporter
After installation, run wct with the plugin enabled: wct --plugin teamcity-reporter
or you can also enable it in your wct.conf.js
module.exports = {
plugins: {
local: {
browsers: ['chrome']
sauce: false,
'teamcity-reporter': true
You can test the plugin manually by running tests for test/index.html
with wct
Before that you need to install webcomponentsjs
with bower install webcomponentjs
Then, install the local version of the plugin with
npm pack
npm install wct-teamcity-reporter-1.0.0.tgz
And then run the tests with wct
Running tests will produce an output like this:
Starting Selenium server for local browsers
Selenium server running on port 54761
Web server running on port 54767 and serving from /Users/Saulis/Dev
chrome 40 Beginning tests via http://localhost:54767/wct-teamcity-reporter/test/index.html?cli_browser_id=0
##teamcity[testStarted name='test_suite.passing.chrome40']
##teamcity[testFinished name='test_suite.passing.chrome40' duration='0']
##teamcity[testStarted name='test_suite.failing.chrome40']
chrome 40 ✖ index.html » test suite » failing
<unknown> at Context.<anonymous> at /wct-teamcity-reporter/test/index.html:17:0
##teamcity[testFailed name='test_suite.failing.chrome40' message='assert.fail()' details='assert.fail()|n Context.<anonymous> at /wct-teamcity-reporter/test/index.html:17']
##teamcity[testFinished name='test_suite.failing.chrome40' duration='0']
##teamcity[testIgnored name='test_suite.ignored.chrome40']
chrome 40 Tests failed: 1 failed tests
Test run ended in failure: 1 failed tests
chrome 40 (1/1/1)
1 failed tests