A web component to display your data in a smart table, empowering users to filter, sort, create charts, and export to Excel
Are your dashboards so good that users still ask to export to Excel ?
wc-smart-table is a web component that displays large datasets in a flexible table that offers readymade calculations and filtering options, avoiding the user to export the table to make their own averages or sums.
wc-smart-table also provides a quick way to make a bar, line or donut chart on selected portions of the data.
Of course, users can still also export to Excel as wc-smart-table provides this utility too ;)
Include wc-smart-table.js in the head of your html:
<script defer src="wc-smart-table.js" type="module"></script>
Or: npm i wc-smart-table, and import it the usual way in your app
This prop configures the columns of your table and what they can perform. Provide a JSON format of an array of objects, as many as there are columns in your table. Here is the datastructure:
"name" : "my column name", (mandatory)
"type" : "text", // "text" | "date" | "numeric" (mandatory)
"average" : false, (optional, defaults to false. Use true if type is numeric to display the average on the table head)
"decimals" : undefined, (optional, defaults to undefined, provide a number for numeric columns to display decimals)
"sum": false, (optional, defaults to false. Use true if type is numeric to display the sum on the table head)
"isSort": false, (optional, defaults to false. Use true to show a sort button. Works for all column types)
"isSearch": false, (optional, defaults to false. Use true to show a search input. Use it for columns of type 'text')
"isMultiselect": false, (optional, defaults to false. Use true to show a dropdown menu to filter a column by category)
"isPercentage": false, (optional, defaults to false. Use true to display percentage values. Will convert 0.01 to 1%. If used, will require an empty slot in the td array provided in the table body)
"percentageTo": undefined, (optional, defaults to undefined. Use the name of another numeric column to base the calculation of percentages on its sum)
"prefix": "", (optional, defaults to empty string. If provided, adds a prefix to all values of the column)
"suffix": "", (optional, defaults to empty string. If provided, adds a suffix to all values of the column)
"rangeFilter": false (optional, defaults to false. Use true to show number inputs to filter values in a range)
This prop will feed the table with data. Provide a JSON format of an array of objects. Every td attribute must contain an array in the same order as your header. Here is the datastructure, for a table with 2 columns, one "text" and one "numeric"
td: [
td: [
td: [
td: [
Now let's say you want to provide a third column, with percentages based on the second column. Setup your header for the third column with "isPercentage": true, and "percentageTo": "spend" (example name for your second column) Since percentages will be calculated by wc-smart-table, you must provide an empty string inside your dataset:
td: [
"" // provide an empty string
td: [
td: [
td: [
This prop lets you adapt translations for labels used on wc-smart-table. Here are the default labels, you can override by passing your own JSON configuration:
"average": "Average",
"by": "by",
"chooseCategoryColumn": "Choose category column",
"exportAllButton": "XLSX all",
"exportAllLabel": "Export all rows of your current filtered dataset",
"exportPageButton": "XLSX page",
"exportPageLabel": "Export rows of the current page",
"from": "Du",
"inputPlaceholder": "Search...",
"makeDonut": "Generate",
"nb": "Nb",
"page": "Page",
"paginatorLabel": "Rows per page",
"sizeWarning": "Displaying too many rows at a time can lead to slower performance",
"sum": "Somme",
"to": "Au",
"total": 'Total',
"totalRows": "Total rows"
Other optional props
max-height: string, (defaults to "500px". You can use any css height, like "calc(100vh - 200px)" for example)
font-family: "inherit", (defaults to "inherit")
rows-per-page: 25, (defaults to 25. Over 200 can slightly affect performance)
use-chart: string, (defaults to "true". Use false if for some reason you don't want to use charts)
locale: string, (defaults to "fr-fr", used for date formatting)