Service Oriented nodejs application with a visual tool.
Internal name: fx-wavelet
Service Oriented nodejs application with a visual tool.
npm install -g wavelet
Usage: wavelet [action] [options]
start [app] [options] start an application
app: application path, by default: current working directory
--config: the wavelet configuration file, by default {your app}/app.js
--root: the web app root
--port: the web app port
--disableEditor: disable the application visual editor
--disableRED: (alias of disableEditor) disable the application visual editor
Some plugins accept the options from command line, check your plugin manual to see which options you can put here.
create [app] [options] create a wavelet project
app: the name of the application
-g: use global repository
install [plugin name] [version] [options] install plugin or wavelet
plugin name: optional, the plugin or wavlet to install, if not specified it will look for all the plugins defined in the wavelet.json file
version: optional, the version of plugin or wavelet to install, if not
specified the latest version will be installed
-g install the plugin to global repository otherwise install it locally
install red <node-red-name> [version] install node-red node
node-red-name is the name of Node-RED node module
Example: wavelet install red node-red-node-instagram
More node-red nodes see [Node-Red Library](http://flows.nodered.org/)
get repo get repository location
set repo [location] set repository location
Runtime options:
-v print wavelet version
-d debug, toggle debug
-h help
Example of Usage: Start wavelet application located at current directory: your_app_folder
cd your_app_folder
wavelet start
Start wavelet application by specifying your app location
wavelet start your_app_folder
Create a wavelet application: testApp
wavelet create testApp
Install all the plugins/dependences on application folder
cd your_app_folder
wavelet install
Check wavelet version
wavelet -v
global variable registered
Wavelet inherits the gloabl variables defined in fx-runtime. Besides, it registers the following global variables:
the current wavelet version
the web app root. All your web routes registered in your plugin must have a prefix of _root
For example
webapp.use(_root + '/register', function(req, res) {
webapp.post(_root + '/login', function(req, res) {
It could be configured in config file or through command line argument --root
Format of config file
Wavelet config file could be a json or a js file, or any nodejs requirable files. Config file must return a json object with following fields:
- apps: [optional] the list of application plugin
- home: the home path of your application, usually __dirname
- root: the root web path, default: ''
- binding: [optional] service implementation binding, if you have multiple implementation of same service, use this binding to choose the one you want to use
- pluginSearchPaths: a list of paths to locate your plugins
- defaultPluginConfig: default plugin configs. [JSON object], key is the plugin name, value is the config object
- whiteList: [optional] the white list of plugin
- blackList: [optional] the black list of plugin
module.exports = {
"home": __dirname,
"pluginSearchPaths": [
__dirname + '/plugins',
__dirname + '/../../fx-plugins'
"defaultPluginConfig": {
"fx-mongodb": {