IBM Watson Speech to Text CLI
Speech to Text CLI
Speech to text CLI that helps you manage speech customizations.
Getting Started
Make sure you read the documentation for Speech to Text before using this library.
npm install watson-speech-to-text-utils -g
$ watson-speech-to-text-utils
Usage: <command> [options]
set-credentials [options] Set Speech to Text username and password
base-models-list [options] List all the base models
customization-create-and-train [options] Create a customization model using a Conversation workspace JSON file
customization-add-corpus [options] Add a new corpus (i.e. workspace.json) to an existing customization
customization-list [options] List all the customization
customization-train [options] Train a customization
customization-status [options] Get customization status
customization-delete [options] Delete a customization
customization-list-words [options] List all out-of-vocabulary(OOV) words for a customization
corpus-list [options] Lists information about all corpora for a customization model
corpus-status [options] Lists information about all corpora for a customization model
corpus-add-words [options] Add a group of words from a file into a corpus
corpus-add-word [options] Add a single word to the corpus
corpus-delete-word [options] Delete a single word from a corpus
corpus-from-workspace [options] Build a Speech to text corpus from a Conversation workspace
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
Getting Started
All the commands need an Speech to Text username
and password
. Take a look at the Getting Credentials page to learn how to get credentials for the Watson services.
How to get the workspace.json
- Navigate to your Bluemix console and open the Conversation service instance where you imported the workspace.
- Click the menu icon in the upper-right corner of the workspace tile, and then select
Download as JSON
Adding multiple words to a customization
Usage: watson-speech-to-text-utils corpus-add-words [options]
Add a group of words from a file into a corpus
-h, --help output usage information
-u, --username [username] Speech to text username
-p, --password [password] Speech to text password
-i, --customization_id <customization_id> The customization identifier
-w, --words <words> The JSON file with the words to add to the corpus
The words JSON file should look like:
"words": [{
"display_as": "could",
"sounds_like": [ "could" ],
"word": "culd"
}, {
"display_as": "closeby",
"sounds_like": [ "closeby" ],
"word": "closeby"
}, {
"display_as": "cya",
"sounds_like": [ "cya", "see ya" ],
"word": "cya"
Adding a single word to a customization
Usage: watson-speech-to-text-utils corpus-add-word [options]
Add a single word to the corpus
-h, --help output usage information
-i, --customization_id <customization_id> The customization identifier
-w, --word <word> The word
-s, --sounds_like [sounds_like] The pronunciation of the word
-d, --displays_as [displays_as] How the word is displayed
For example:
watson-speech-to-text-utils corpus-add-word -i 67f35b00-8c0d-12e6-8ac8-6333954f158e -w cya -d cya -s "cya, see ya"
This sample code is licensed under Apache 2.0.
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