A simple React component that provides a water polo ball and some customizable loading animation. This loading animation runs for an infinite time period and is anticipated to be used when loading async data in an react application
A simple React component that provides a water polo ball and some customizable loading animation. This loading animation runs for an infinite time period and is anticipated to be used when loading async data in an react application
Animation Styles
AnimationStyles = "bounce" | "color" | "spin" | "grow"
Available props
className: string (optional)
size: string [any CSS sizing property "10px", "1rem" etc] (optional)
animation: AnimationStyles OR AnimationStyles[] (optional)
Using Component
To use the props with this component pass in the relevant props you want to use. All props are optional with a default "size" of 3rem & default "animation" of ["grow", "spin", "color"]
// your-component.js
import WaterPoloLoader from "water-polo-loader";
//use default props
<WaterPoloLoader />
//pass single animation
<WaterPoloLoader animation="color"/>
//pass multiple animation with size prop
<WaterPoloLoader animation={["color", "grow"]} size="5em" />
Customize Component
To customize this component, pass in a class name to the className
prop and style that class name in your custom CSS.
// your-component.js
import WaterPoloLoader from "water-polo-loader";
<WaterPoloLoader className="dummy" />
// your-component.css
.dummy {
color: white;
background-color: purple;