WarpScript support
VSCode WarpScript Extension
WarpScript language support
More details on warp10.io
- Syntax highlighting
- Code completion
- Remote execution (command Ctrl+Shift+P > "Run WarpScript" or Ctrl+Alt+E)
- Remote execution for code selected (command Ctrl+Shift+P > "Run WarpScript on selection" or Ctrl+Alt+A)
- Hover definition
- Workspace macros (@workspace/relative/path/to/macro/file the linked file containing a macro)
- Clickable links to navigate between workspace macros
- Snippets
- macro
- mapper
- bucketize
- reduce
- filter
- apply
- Embedded Quantum Dataviz
- Embedded base 64 image viewer (visible only if returned JSON contains at least one base64 image)
- WarpScript execution history in output window using the format (files are clickable):
- [EXEC_START_DATE] file:///os_temp_dir/executed_warpscript.mc2 => file:///os_temp_dir/result.json exec_time fetched_data op_count main_filename.mc2 endpoint
- [EXEC_START_DATE] ERROR /path/to/script/in/error.mc2:error_line reason_of_failure
- WarpScript and resulting JSON are sent gzipped between the client and the server
- (experimental) You can close all the JSON result files to clean your workspace (command Ctrl+Shift+P > "Close all Warp 10 json output in the workspace" command)
- To slow down autocompletion, you can use VSCode built in configuration
// @endpoint http://xxx/api/v0/exec
at the beginning of the script change the remote execution endpoint// @localmacrosubstitution false
at the beginning of the script deactivate the local macro substitution// @preview none
at the beginning of the script disable the preview.gts
force the focus to the gts or image preview after execution.- You can set the VSCode default language to warpscript (Ctrl+, search for default language settings). Every new file (Ctrl+N) will be a WarpScript.
Graph interactions
- Alt + Mouse wheel : Zoom
- Click + Drag : Select to zoom
- Shift + Click : Pan
- Double Click : Restore zoom
- a : show all GTS
- n : hide all GTS
- b : select one GTS, then the other one. maj+b for reverse browsing
- / : select by regular expression
- t : generate a TIMECLIP from the current zoom
- s : display gts selector
How to run
yarn install
bower install
npm run compile