Javascript utilties
A collection of classes and utilities for HTML5/JavaScript web app development.
Wand is a library of tools to help you write modern web apps. It's designed to be used in conjunction with Backbone, but it's not exclusive to it. Many of the features don't rely on Backbone as a dependency, meaning you're free to use them alone or with other frameworks.
The library is built as a collection of modules, provided in CommonJS and AMD format. You can use the whole library or just the modules you want. Dependencies are handled for you and unused modules won't be downloaded or included in optimized builds. Wand tries to keep your app as light as possible.
- BaseClass - Provides Backbone-style definitions for your custom classes.
- BaseModel - A subclass of
that helps manage nested models. - BaseView - A subclass of
that helps with lifecycle and subview management. - BindableControls - Lightweight, customizable binding of data sources to HTML controls and views.
- EventBus - Centralised event system for communicating across modules.
- EventDispatcher - Adds Backbone event dispatching functionality to BaseClass
- IO - Extensible data and asset loading framework with an interruptible load queue.
- Templater - Nested templating for Handlebars
- ShowHide - A mixin to add show/hide functionality to views.
- Utils - Lots of useful stuff.
(See Roadmap for future plans)
Getting started with Wand in a browser app
The easiest way to get started with Wand is to use the boilerplate library. If you want to configure it yourself then following steps will show you how.
Install Wand via Bower
The best way to install and use Wand in a browser app is to use the Bower package manager:
bower install wand
This will install Wand into components/wand
(or the directory you've specified in your .bowerrc
Wand is also available via Jam:
jam install wand
Configure RequireJS
In order to use Wand you must use the RequireJS AMD loader. Wand is written as a CommonJS package, but each module is also wrapped in an AMD function, allowing the library to be used both in Node.js and the browser. Because of this you'll need to configure RequireJS to treat Wand as a module:
// Map library paths to shorter ones
paths: {
'jquery': '/components/jquery/jquery',
'underscore': '/components/underscore/underscore',
'backbone': '/components/backbone/backbone'
// Configure Wand as a CommonJS package
packages: [{
name: 'wand',
location: '/components/wand'
Note: this assumes you've installed the libraries into the default components
directory provided by Bower.
See Loading modules from packages in the RequireJS documentation for more information on how to handle CommonJS packages.
Using Wand
There are two ways to use Wand in your own RequireJS modules:
Include the entire Wand library:
define(['wand'], function(Wand) {
var Animal = Wand.BaseView.extend({});
var rounded = Wand.Utils.round(4.5);
This is the most convenient method. Each module in Wand will be accessible as a property of the returned Wand
object. However, be aware that this will load all modules.
Include the individual modules:
define(['wand/lib/BaseView', 'wand/lib/Utils'], function($, BaseView) {
var Animal = BaseView.extend({});
var rounded = Utils.round(4.5);
This is a more explicit approach. It ensures only specific modules and their dependencies will be loaded, keeping script size and download times to a minimum.
Note: the lib
in the module paths is necessary.
The Wand modules
See the Wand wiki for information on each module.
Using Wand in Node.js
Install Wand via npm
npm install wand
Requiring Wand
As with the browser-based version you can use the library in two different ways:
var Wand = require('wand');
var rounded = Wand.Utils.round(4.5);
Or import the individual modules:
var Utils = require('wand/lib/Utils');
var rounded = Wand.Utils.round(4.5);
Note: the lib
in the module paths is necessary.
Wand's Dependencies
If you're using npm, Bower, or Jam then dependencies will be managed for you. However it's useful to understand what frameworks and libraries Wand requires in order to manage browser dependencies safely.
Hard dependencies
These are required by almost all modules in Wand, and should be included in your browser-based app:
- RequireJS - version
- Underscore.js - version
Optional dependencies
These are required by some, but not all modules. Please see each module's documentation in the wiki for its exact dependencies.
- Backbone - version
- Handlebars - version
Future plans include:
- A stateful extension to Backbone.Router
- Cascading n-level JavaScript/JSON config manager
- A low level command system to facilitate undo/redo
- A model layer with server state caching and resetting
And in the slightly more distant future, real time and push functionality using Node.js and Socket.io.