<div align="center"> <h1>SD-JWT library</h1> <span>by </span><a href="https://walt.id">walt.id</a> <p>Create JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) that support <b>Selective Disclosure</b><p>
What is the SD-JWT library?
This libary implements the Selective Disclosure JWT (SD-JWT) specification: draft-ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt-04.
- Create and sign SD-JWT tokens
- Choose selectively disclosable payload fields (SD fields)
- Create digests for SD fields and insert into JWT body payload
- Create and append encoded disclosure strings for SD fields to JWT token
- Add random or fixed number of decoy digests on each nested object property
- Present SD-JWT tokens
- Selection of fields to be disclosed
- Support for appending optional holder binding
- Full support for nested SD fields and recursive disclosures
- Parse SD-JWT tokens and restore original payload with disclosed fields
- Verify SD-JWT token
- Signature verification
- Hash comparison and tamper check of the appended disclosures
- Support for integration with various crypto libraries and frameworks, to perform the cryptographic operations and key management
Further information
Checkout the documentation regarding SD-JWTs, to find out more.
Build payload, sign and present examples
import sdlib from "waltid-sd-jwt"
const sharedSecret = "ef23f749-7238-481a-815c-f0c2157dfa8e"
const cryptoProvider = new sdlib.id.walt.sdjwt.SimpleAsyncJWTCryptoProvider("HS256", new TextEncoder().encode(sharedSecret))
const sdMap = new sdlib.id.walt.sdjwt.SDMapBuilder(sdlib.id.walt.sdjwt.DecoyMode.FIXED.name, 2).addField("sub", true,
new sdlib.id.walt.sdjwt.SDMapBuilder().addField("child", true).build()
console.log(sdMap, JSON.stringify(sdMap))
const sdPayload = new sdlib.id.walt.sdjwt.SDPayloadBuilder({"sub": "123", "aud": "345"}).buildForUndisclosedPayload({"aud": "345"})
const sdPayload2 = new sdlib.id.walt.sdjwt.SDPayloadBuilder({"sub": "123", "aud": "345"}).buildForSDMap(sdMap)
const jwt = await sdlib.id.walt.sdjwt.SDJwtJS.Companion.signAsync(
sdPayload, cryptoProvider)
const jwt2 = await sdlib.id.walt.sdjwt.SDJwtJS.Companion.signAsync(
sdPayload2, cryptoProvider)
console.log("Verified:", (await jwt.verifyAsync(cryptoProvider)).verified)
console.log("Verified:", (await jwt2.verifyAsync(cryptoProvider)).verified)
const presentedJwt = await jwt.presentAllAsync(false)
console.log("Presented undisclosed SD-JWT:", presentedJwt.toString())
console.log("Verified: ", (await presentedJwt.verifyAsync(cryptoProvider)).verified)
const sdMap2 = new sdlib.id.walt.sdjwt.SDMapBuilder().buildFromJsonPaths(["sub"])
console.log("SDMap2:", sdMap2)
const presentedJwt2 = await jwt.presentAsync(sdMap2)
console.log("Presented disclosed SD-JWT:", presentedJwt2.toString())
const verificationResultPresentedJwt2 = await presentedJwt2.verifyAsync(cryptoProvider)
console.log("Presented payload", verificationResultPresentedJwt2.sdJwt.fullPayload)
console.log("Presented disclosures", verificationResultPresentedJwt2.sdJwt.disclosureObjects)
console.log("Presented disclosure strings", verificationResultPresentedJwt2.sdJwt.disclosures)
console.log("Verified: ", verificationResultPresentedJwt2.verified)
console.log("SDMap reconstructed", presentedJwt2.sdMap)
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