walley language (toy) is a simple script language ;)
____ ______ _____ /-----------\
\\ \ || \ || | /-------------\
\\ \ || |\ \ || | | -- | -- | \\ //
\\ \ || |\\ \ || | | |_____| | \\//
\\ \ || | \\ \ || | --\_____________/ ---==
\\ \|| | \\ \|| | ///\ || || ||
\\ | \\ | | | || || ||
\\____| \\____| \__/\ ||___ ||__e ||
VERSION 0.3.29 ;)
(display "Hello World ;)")
(Toy Language (Walley-Language 0.3) by (shd101wyy))
Toy Language is a simple script language written in JavaScript.
Influenced by Walley 0.1, Walley 0.2, Scheme, JavaScript, Clojure, Python...
It is a lisp dialect with an extremely simple and easy interpreter.
It is easy to use.
It's a Language For FUN ;)
[ <=> ( ; ] <=> ) .
so [def x 12] is also valid
<h2> Builtin Procedures and Macros </h2>
Define Number :
-12 5
Define List :
'(1 2 3)
(list 1 2 3)
Define Vector:
#[1 2 3]
(vector 1 2 3)
Define Dictionary:
{:a 12 :b 13}
(dictionary :a 12 :b 13)
Define Atom/String:
"Hi there"
Define NULL(NIL):
Define Lambda:
(lambda [params] body)
(lambda [a b] (+ a b))
Define Macro:
(defmacro macro_name [params] body)
(defmacro square [x] (* ~x ~x)) then (square 12) -> (* 12 12) => 144
(defmacro test [[a b] c]
(+ ~a ~b ~c)) theb (test [2 3] 4) -> (+ 2 3 4) => 9
<h2>Basic Usage</h2>
<strong> Define Variable </strong>
(def var_name var_value)
(def (function_name params) body)
(def x 12)
(def x #[1 2 3])
(def add (lambda [a b] (+ a b)))
(def add2 (lambda "your docstring here" [a b] (+ a b))) ;; you could use (get-function-doc add2) to get "your docstring here"
;; (set-function-doc add2 "New docstring") to set docstring
;; define lambda
(def (add a b) (+ a b))
<strong> Change Variable Value </strong>
(set! var_name var_value) ;; destructive ;;
(set! x 12)
(set! x {:a 12})
<strong> If </strong>
(if test consequent alternative)
(if true 1 2) => 1
(if false 1 2) => 2
Everything is TRUE except NULL()
<strong> Cond </strong>
(cond (predicate1 body1)
(predicate2 body2)
(else body_n)
(cond (1 2) => 2
(2 3))
(cond (false 2)
(else 3)) => 3
(lambda [params] body)
(lambda [a b] (+ a b))
about variadic parameters
(lambda [param1, param2 . rest] body)
(def (test . b) b)
(test 1 2 3 4) => list (1 2 3 4)
(test) => null ()
(test 2 3) => list (2 3)
(defmacro macro_name [params] body)
(defmacro unless [test a0 a1] `(if ~test ~a1 ~a0))
;; The Macro is still under development...
;; I am still studying macro now ;)
<strong>While</strong> ;; this function is removed
(while (test) body) ;;return "undefined"
(def x 0)
(while (< x 100) (display x) (set! x (+ x 1)) )
;; will print x from 0 to 99
(begin stm0 stm1 stm2 ...) eval series of statements
(let [var0 val0 var1 val1 ...] body) : create local variables
(let [a 0 b 1] (+ a b)) => 1
(let [a 2 b (+ a 1)] (+ a b)) => 5 in this case b will use the value of a to calculate (+ a 1), so it's (+ 2 3) => 5
<h2>Arithematics: </h2>
<storng>+ - * / </storng>
:Parameters arg0, arg1, ...
:eg (+ 3 4) => 7
(* 4 5 6 7) => 840
(/ 3 6 7) => 1/14
(/ 3.0 6 7) => 0.07142857142857142
(- 3) => -3
(+ "Hello " "World") => "Hello World"
(+ "Hi " 3.1425926) => "Hi 3.1415926"
<strong>eq? < > <= >= and or not</strong>
:Parameters arg0, arg1, ...
:eg (< 3 4) => true
(< 3 4 5) => true
(and 3 4) => true
(<= 3 4 5 6) => true
(>= 3 4 5 6) => false ()
(and 1 2 3 4 5 false) => false
(or false false false 1) => true
<h2>Type Check</h2>
<strong>ratio? integer? float? vector? dictionary? pair?(list?) null? atom? procedure?(function?) macro?</strong>
(typeof 12) => "number" ;; typeof function will return string
(typeof '(1 2 3)) => "list"
(ratio? 3/4) => true
(integer? 3) => true
(float? 3.0) => true
(integer? 3.0) =>false
(vector? #[1 2 3]) => true
(dictionary? {:a 12})=> true
(pair? '(1 2)) => true
(list? '(1 2)) => true
(pair? '(1 2)) => true
(pair? ()) => false
(null? ()) => true
(atom? "Hi") => true
(string? "Hi") => true
<h2>Number Operation</h2>
eg (numerator 3/4) => 3; get numerator of number
(numerator 5) => 5;
(numerator 6.0) => 6.0
eg (denominator 3/4) => 4; get denominator of number
(denominator 5) => 1
(denominator 6.0) => 1
eg (->ratio 1.5) => 3/2 convert number to rational ratio number
eg (->float 3/4) => 0.75
<h2>List Operation</h2>
car, cdr, cons set-car! set-cdr! set-car set-cdr conj ref len pop slice ->str
car: get first element
(car '(1 2 3)) => 1
(car '((2 3) 4)) => (2 3)
cdr: get rest elements
(cdr '(1 2)) => (2)
(cdr '(a b c)) => (b c)
cons: link two elements
(cons 3 4) => (3 . 4)
(cons 3 '(3 4)) => (3 3 4)
set-car!: destructive
(def x '(1 2 3)) => x now is (1 2 3)
(set-car! x 12) => x now is (12 2 3); set-car will replace the first element of list
set-cdr!: destructive
(def x '(1 2 3)) => x now is (1 2 3)
(set-cdr! x 12) => x now is (1 . 12) ; set-cdr will replace rest elements of list
set-car: non-destructive:
(def x '(1 2 3)) => x now is (1 2 3)
(set-car x 12) => return (12 2 3); but x is still (1 2 3)
set-cdr: non-destructive:
(def x '(1 2 3)) => x now is (1 2 3)
(set-cdr x 12) => return (1 . 12); but x is still (1 2 3)
ref: ref element at specific index
(def x '(1 2 3)) => x now is (1 2 3)
(ref x 0) => find the element at index 0, so will return 1
len: return the length of list
(def x '(1 2 3))
(len x) => 3
pop: return cdr of element
(pop '(1 2 3)) => (2 3)
slice: slice the list
(def x '(1 2 3 4))
(slice x 2 4) => list (3 4)
->str: convert list to string
(->str '(1 2 3)) => "(1 2 3)"
<h2> Dictionary </h2>
dictionary-keys, assoc, assoc!, conj, conj!, ref, ->str, [quick-access]
dictionary-keys: return keys as array
(dictionary-keys {:a 12 :b 14}) => ['a, 'b]
assoc : return a new dictionary but change key-value
(def x {:a 12 :b 14})
(assoc x :a 15) => return {:a 15 :b 14}, but x will not change
assoc! : destructive assoc
(def x {:a 12 :b 14})
(assoc! x :a 15) => x will change to {:a 15 :b 14}
conj : combine two dictionaries and return a new dictioanry
(conj {:a 12} {:b 15}) => {:a 12 :b 15}
conj! : destructive conj
(def x {:a 12 :c 1})
(conj! x {:a 14 :b 15}) => {:a 14 :b 15 :c 1}
ref : return value according to key
(def x {:a 12 :c 1})
(ref x :a) => 12
->str: convert dictionary to string
(dictionary :key)
eg: ({:a 12 :b 14} :a) => will return 12 by key :a from that dictionary
(def math {:add (lambda [a b] (+ a b))}) => ;;; def namespace "math" with property "add" ;;;
(math:add 3 4) => 7
<h2> Vector </h2>
assoc, assoc!, conj, conj!, pop, pop!, ref, ->str, slice, len, [quick-access]
assoc: return a new array, but change index-value
(def x #[1 2 3])
(assoc x 0 12) => return #[12 2 3], keep x unchanged
assoc!: destructive assoc
(def x #[1 2 3])
(assoc! x 0 12) => will change x to #[12 2 3]
conj: append element, like push. nondestructive, this function will return new vector
(def x #[1 2 3])
(conj x 4) => return new vector #[1 2 3 4]
conj!: destructive conj
(def x #[1 2 3])
(conj x 4) => x now is #[1 2 3 4]
pop: remove last element, return a new vector
(def x #[1 2 3])
(pop x) => #[1 2]
pop!: destructive pop
(def x #[1 2 3])
(pop! x) => change x to #[1 2]
ref: access element according to index
(ref #[1 2 3] 0) => return value at index 0, which is 1
->str: convert vector to string
slice: slice vector
(slice #[1 2 3 4] 2 3) => #[3] slice from 2 to 3
len: return the length of vector
(len #[1]) => 1
(#[1,2,3] 0) => return the element at index 0
quote, quasiquote, list, random, keyword, display, eval, apply macroexpand-1, map, str,
read, get-env, gensym, read-file, write-file, get-cwd, get-function-doc, set-function-doc
quote: return value without calculation
(quote (1 2 3 4)) => (1 2 3 4) without calculation
(quote (+ 3 4)) => (+ 3 4)
(quote #[1 2 3]) => (vector 1 2 3)
quote could be written as '
'(1 2 3 4) <===> (quote (1 2 3 4))
quasiquote: calculate list cell if it has unquote ahead
suppose now we defined:
(def x 12)
(quasiquote (x x)) => will return list (x x)
(quasiquote ((unquote x) x)) will return (12 x) because car has unquote ahead, which means it needs to be calculated
quasiquote could be written as
unquote could be written as ~
(* ~x ~x) <===> (quasiquote (* (unquote x) (unquote x)))
list: return list
(def x 12)
(list x 'x 3 4) => list (12 x 3 4)
(list (list x 'x) x) => ((12 x) 12)
random: return float number between 0 and 1
(random) => 0.5136234054807574
(random) => 0.19529289728961885
keyword: return itself // this function is now deprecated :a => (keyword a) => return string a
display: display data types
(display "Hello World")
(display (/ 3 4))
eval: eval expression.
(eval '(def x 12)) => will run (def x 12)
apply: apply procedure
(apply + '(1 2 3 4)) => (+ 1 2 3 4) => 10
macroexpand-1: expand macro:
(defmacro square [x] `(* ~x ~x))
(macroexpand-1 '(square 12)) => (* 12 12)
map: (map proc arg0 arg1 ...) but this map function is not efficient... it is written in toy language and Idk good way of implement it
(map + '(2 3) '(5 6)) => (7 9)
str: convert argument to string
(str 1 "hi" 5) => "1hi5"
read: parse string and return list. Only support string(atom) and list type parameter
(read "(def x 12)") => '((def x 12))
get-env: get the whole enviroment
gensym: generate unique non-existent variable name.
(gensym) => t_1
(gensym) => t_2
(def t_3 12)
(gensym) => t_4 ;; because t_3 is already defined
undefined?: check whether variable exists
(undefined? 'x) => true; means "x" is not defined
(def x 12)
(undefined? 'x) => (); means "x" is defined
input: this function requires u to write a function in javascript called "TOY_getINPUT" with parameter "stack_param"
for example:
function TOY_getINPUT(stack_param) // stack param is parameter . (input "Hello") then stack_param is ["Hello"]; (input) then stack_param is []
if(stack_param.length == 0)
return prompt("");
return prompt(stack_param[0]);
so calling "(def x (input 'user-input))" will call TOY_getINPUT and return string output.
read-file: # need nodejs support (read-file file-name) return string write-file: # need nodejs support (write-file file-name string-that-write-to-file) write string to file get-cwd: # need nodejs support (get-cwd) return current working directory get-function-doc: get function doc (get-function-doc your_function) => the docstring of that function set-function-doc: set function doc (set-function-doc your_function your_doc) => set your_doc as docstring of your_function
<h2>Math Module</h2>
acos, acosh, asin, asinh, atan, atanh, ceil, cos, cosh, exp,
floor, loge, pow (**, ^), log, sin, sinh, tan, tanh,
~~~diff, integral~~~
very simple math functions (math:loge 12) => return value with e as base (math:log 2 8) => 3 math:pow == ** == ^ (^ 3/4 2) => 9/16
experimental "diff" "integral" functions from sicp diff: (diff lambda diff_point error) where error is 0.000001 by default eg: (diff (lambda [x] (* x x)) 12) => 23.9999989731 (diff (lambda [x] (* x x x)) 2 0.0001) => 11.9994000100. which is near 3*x^2 when x = 2 => 12
integral: (integral lambda a b dx) integral lambda from a to b with dx. dx is 0.01 by default eg: (integral (lambda [x] x) 0 1) => 0.5000000000
<h2> Bitwise Module </h2>
(bitwise:and a b) ;; & and eg: (bitwise:and 0x2 0x1) => 0 (bitwise:or a b) ;; | or eg: (bitwise:or 0x2 0x1) => 3 (bitwise:not a) ;; ~ not eg: (bitwise:not 0x1) => -2 2'complement (bitwise:xor a b) ;; ^ xor eg: (bitwise:xor 0x5 10) => 15 (bitwise:<< a b) ;; << left shift eg: (bitwise:<< 3 2) => 12 (bitwise:>> a b) ;; >> right shift eg: (bitwise:>> 8 2) => 2
<h2> Require Module </h2>
<strong>(might be changed in the future) # require nodejs support </strong>
"require" function. ps: this function might be changed in the future. (this function require nodejs support)
(def as-name (require "the-module-you-want-to-load.toy"))
suppose inside "test.toy" here is :
(def (test) (display "You successfully required this file"))
(def a {:b 12})
(def x (require "test.toy"))
will assign x the value => {test < user-defined-procedure >, a {b 12,},}
(x:test) => print "You successfully required this file"
x:a:b => 12
"load" function: the same as the load function of scheme eg: [this-is-a-dir] - a.toy b.toy a.toy: (define x 12)
(load "a.toy")
(display x) => 12
run "b.toy" will print 12
<h2> Call JavaScript Function </h2>
(js js_function_name arg0 arg1 arg2 ...)
(js "Date") => current date as string
(js "Math.sin" 12) => Math.sin(12)
(js "Object.keys" {:a 12}) => ['a']
<h2> embed toy in your javascript program </h2>
<script src="another_another_toy.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var the_string_u_want_to_run = "(def x 12)"
var output_value = eval_begin(parser(lexer(the_string_u_want_to_run)), ENVIRONMENT); // parse and eval
My Idea
Function define, default argument value
the function now can be defined as:
(def add (lambda (a b) (+ a b)))
Learn from Python
So if I want to add default value for a, b. then I could define the function like
(def add (lambda [:a 12 :b 15] (+ a b))) or (def (add :a 12 :b 15) (+ a b))
then (add) will return 12 + 15 => 27
(add :a 20) return 20 + 15 => 35
(add 14 :a 13) return 13 + 15 => 28; a will be assigned as 14 first, then assigned as 13.
(add :b 1 :a 2) return 2 + 1 => 3
(def add (lambda [:a 12 b] (+ a b))) or (def (add :a 12 b) (+ a b)) => {:a 12, :b "undefined"}
then (add 3) will cause error because of => 12 + "undefined" => "12undefined"
then (add 13 14) => {:a 13, :b 14} => 13 + 14 => 27
Okay. I just finished implementing this
Change Log:
2/6/2014 0.3.29 : 1) fix string bug "Hello\n" \+ will work now
2) improve support for string:
in toy language, symbol and string are the same thing
in the previous version, string could be shown incorrectly sometimes:
eg: ==== previous ========
(def x '("Hello abc" abc))
(display x) => (Hello abc abc)
the space in "Hello abc" caused confusion
so now I changed it to:
==== now =============
(def x '("Hello abc" abc))
(display x) => (#str{Hello abc} abc) ;; #str{} means string
2/3/2014 ~ 2/5/2014
0.3.28 : 1) support hexadecimal octal numbers
eg: (def x 0x123) ;; hexadecimal
(def x 0321) ;; octal
2) add bitwise
(bitwise:and a b) ;; & and
(bitwise:or a b) ;; | or
(bitwise:not a) ;; ~ not
(bitwise:xor a b) ;; ^ xor
(bitwise:<< a b) ;; << left shift
(bitwise:>> a b) ;; >> right shift
3) fix [], {} display bug
4) fix "Hello :" : in string bug
1/28/2014 0.3.27 : 1) fix string as procedure bug
eg: ((car '(+)) 3 4) will cause error now
use ((car `(~+)) 3 4)
2) improve macro
(def x 0)
(defmacro test [] (if (eq? x 0) 1 2)))
((lambda []
(set! x 1) ;; change x to 1
(test) ;; will still return 1 not 2(in this case x = 0 , (set! x 1) hasn't been run)
;; the (test) above will be expanded as 1 after defining lambda
3) I am now thinking that should I make difference between "symbol" and "string" data types.
'a != "a"
[symbol] [string]
(´(エ)` ?)
1/25/2014 0.3.26 : 1) fix "quasiquote" bug
2) fix "undefined?" "factorial" bug
3) rewrite "cond" in macro
1/21/2014 0.3.25 : 1) add "load" function (the same as scheme)
[this-is-a-dir] - a.toy
(define x 12)
(load "a.toy")
(display x) => 12
run "b.toy" will print 12
1/19/2014 0.3.24 : now semester starts!
1) it is now <strong>not</strong> available to define a vector like [1,2,3]
so (def x [1,2,3]) is wrong
please use (def x #[1,2,3]) ;; ps: #[...] is the same as #(...) when defining vector, but recommended to use #[...]
2) "["<=>"("
so [def x 12] <=> (def x 12)
1/18/2014 0.3.23 : 1) improve macro, fix some macro bugs.
2) fix "and" "or" functions bug.
1/15/2014 0.3.22 : 1) Support function docstring
(defn add "Your doc here" [a b] (+ a b))
So now "Your doc here is binded to function add"
and you can get docstring by calling function
(get-function-doc add) => "Your doc here"
and you can set docstring by calling function
(set-function-doc add "Your new docstring here")
1/15/2014 0.3.21 : 1) add "read-file", "write-file", <del>"get-curr-dir"</del> functions (these 3 functions require nodejs support)
(read-file file-name) return string
(write-file file-name string-that-write-to-file) write string to file
(get-curr-dir) return current dir
2) add "require" function. ps: this function might be changed in the future. (this function require nodejs support)
(def as-name (require "the-module-you-want-to-load.toy"))
suppose inside "test.toy" here is :
(def (test) (display "You successfully required this file"))
(def a {:b 12})
(def x (require "test.toy"))
will assign x the value => {test < user-defined-procedure >, a {b 12,},}
(x:test) => print "You successfully required this file"
x:a:b => 12
12/30/2013 0.3.20 : 1) Change math functions. Now all math functions belongs to math namespace.
So when calling sin(12), now use (math:sin 12) instead of (sin 12).
2) add "->int" function, which convert number to integer.
3) add "%" remainder function.
4) remove "while" function
12/29/2013 0.3.19 : After thinking carefully, I decided to replace the quick access of the value of dictionary according to key by using : instead of /
(def math {:add (lambda [a b] (+ a b))}) => ;;; def namespace "math" with property "add" ;;;
(math:add 3 4) => 7
12/29/2013 0.3.18 : 1) Redefinition of an existed variable is now not allowed... eg (def x 12) (def x 15) will cause error. in this case use (set! x 15)
2) Add ;;; comment ;;; support.
3) Add quick access functionality for dictionary(Learnt from Clojure) (Deprecated)
(def math {:add (lambda [a b] (+ a b))}) => ;;; def namespace "math" with property "add" ;;;
(math/add 3 4) => 7
12/17/2013 0.3.17 : Add "input" "get-env" "gensym" "undefined?" functions.
"input" function requires u to write a function in javascript called "TOY_getINPUT" with parameter "stack_param"
for example:
function TOY_getINPUT(stack_param) // stack param is parameter . (input "Hello") then stack_param is ["Hello"]; (input) then stack_param is []
if(stack_param.length == 0)
return prompt("");
return prompt(stack_param[0]);
so calling "(def x (input 'user-input))" will call TOY_getINPUT and return string output.
12/16/2013 0.3.16 : Sorry;;;;;; Fix 'let' function bug... improve + - * / > < eq? >= <= functions
12/16/2013 0.3.15 : Improve macro to avoid the accidental capture of identifiers. (by using closure)
eg: (defmacro test [x] `(list ~x))
(test 12) => (12)
(let [list +] (test 12)) => (12) ... it would return 12 in previous, but now it will return (12). Improved macro
eg: (defmacro sett [var val] `(def ~var ~val))
(def x 12)
in the past:
(let [x 15] (sett x 20) x) => 20.
and the x in global scope is still 12
(let [x 15] (sett x 20) x) => 15. The x in this scope will not change
but the x in global scopte will change to 20
12/14/2013 0.3.14 : add 'set-car set-cdr' two functions... so sad for my differential equation final and cs418 final... huhhh... need to work harder ;)
12/05/2013 0.3.13 : fix 'integer?' function bug. Fix lambda bug. improve index.html of the
terminal emulator.
Final Fighting!!! ;)
12/05/2013 0.3.12 : Improve lambda. Add 'read' 'diff' 'integra' '->float' functions. Improve error detection. Final Fighting!!! ;)
12/02/2013 0.3.11 : Add ~@ support
11/28/2013 0.3.10 : Now support calling JavaScript functions using (js js_func_name arg0 arg1 arg2 ...). Happy Thanksgiving! ;)
11/28/2013 0.3.09 : Add 'str' and 'map' functions. Fix 'string?' function bug. Happy Thanksgiving! ;)
Fightint!!!!!! ;)