Geographical coordinates parse, transform and format utilities
Walking Cat
It is a simple JS library for parsing and converting geo coordinates
npm install -save walking-cat
import coords from 'walking-cat';
Parse string
The library tries to detect the latitude and longitude order automatically.
const catPosition1 = coords('Hi, here are the coordinates of your cat: longitude 13.3666933, latitude 38.1190792');
const catPosition2 = coords(' 38°06′56.37″N 13°21′40.54″E');
const catPosition3 = coords('Ваш котик у нас, на долготе 37°36,9336′ в.д. и широте 55°45,1332′ с.ш.');
Parse two strings
const catPosition = coords('38°06′56.37″N', '13°21′40.54″E'); // order: latitude, longitude
Parse two numbers
const catPosition = coords(38.1190792, 13.3666933); // order: latitude, longitude
Parse two numbers
const catPosition = coords(38.1190792, 13.3666933); // order: latitude, longitude
Parse array
const catPosition = coords([13.3666933, 38.1190792]); // order: [longitude, latitude]
Parse object
const catPosition = coords({lat: 38.1190792, long: 13.3666933});
const catPosition = coords({latitude: 38.1190792, longitude: 13.3666933});
Parse Immutable Map or List
const catPosition = coords( Map({lat: 38.1190792, long: 13.3666933}));
const catPosition = coords( List([13.3666933, 38.1190792])); // order: [longitude, latitude]
To latitude and longitude
const { lat, lng } = catPosition1;
console.log( lat, lng ); // output: 38.1190792, 13.3666933
To string
console.log( catPosition2.toString() ); // output: "38°6′56.37″N, 13°21′40.54″E"
To string with comma instead of the point
catPosition3.toString({point: ','}) // "55°45′7,99″N, 37°36′56,02″E"
To array
catPosition1.toArray() // [ 13.3666933, 38.1190792 ]
Measure distance
const distance = coords(blackCat).distanceFrom(coords(whiteCat), options )
Option: units
Could be one of "m", "km", "mi", "yd", "ft"
Option: precision
Number value, if 0 - function returns rounded value, leave undefined if you don't need to trim the digits after the decimal point
Option: point
String value, you can replace the point with comma if needed. If point is defined returned type is string, not number