Hobby project for managing anime watch list on Kitsu through CLI
Wakitsu is a CLI application designed to find an anime episode on disk, at the working directory. It will try to discover any FanSubbed file names. If found, it will update your Kitsu watch list and move the file to a "watched" folder. Not all FanSub file names are supported, since there is unfortunately no standardized naming practice among the groups.
You can also use the manual flag -m
or -manual
to update an anime without needing a file on disk, but this is not the standard way to use the program.
This is a Hobby project created out of a need for both relaxation and organization.
I don't know how many people out there have this specific use-case, but I was really bad at updating my progress on Kitsu, so I figured if I could make it dead simple through command line, I'd actually keep up with it. As it turns out, I haven't missed a single progress update since.
If you're like me and find the CLI a lot more user-friendly than going to a website, then this program might be for you!
Getting Started
Easy Global Install
The following will install a production-only version of the program that you can start using immediately.
npm i -g wakitsu --omit=dev
Command Documentation
Every possible command is documented internally through the help command. Unless you want to examine the code, the following command is all you need to get started using the program:
wak -h
wak --help
Development Installation
Clone this repository and then run the following command in the directory where you cloned it.
npm i
After installation, make sure you create or execute a TypeScript build task using the root tsconfig file. This is because the ./bin
directory needs to be populated before any of the following commands will work.
VSCODE users can simply execute the Run Build Task
command (or by using the corresponding keyboard shortcut) and it should automatically popup with an option to build or watch the tsconfig
file. The default keybinding is Ctrl+Shift+B
Run in dev mode
npm run dev
Install Globally
npm -g i .