SVG Map for react
English | 简体中文
SVG Map for react
- install
npm i wafer-map
yarn add wafer-map
- using in react
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import WaferMap from 'wafer-map';
class App extends Component {
render() {
const mapProps = {
mapId: '1',
componentWidth: 1920,
componentHeight: 1080
return (
<div className="App">
<WaferMap {...mapProps}/>
notice: mapId is the only mark on the map.
| Prop | default value | is required | description |
| mapId | | true | map id |
| componentWidth | 1920
| false | Map the width of containers |
| componentHeight | 1080
| false | Map the height of containers |
| background | #ddd
| false | Map container background color |
| visibleElement | []
| false | Displayable collection of element ids |
| visibleType | []
| false | Displayable collection of element types |
| visibleState | []
| false | Displayable collection of element states |
| clickableElement | []
|false| Clickable collection of element ids |
| clickableType | []
| false | Clickable collection of element types |
| clickableState | []
| false | Clickable collection of element states |
| onClick | | false | Radio callback method |
| onSelect | | false | Multi-select callback method |
| onClickError | | false | Select the callback method for the exception |
| mapZoom | true
| false | Scale the map |
| mapMove | true
| false | Move the map |
| multiple | false
| false | Multiple switch |
| noName | false
| false | Element names are not displayed on the map. |
| showPath | false
| false | Display roadmap |
| markId | | false | The element id that needs to be tagged, such as '1'; If multiple, use string array format, such as ['1', '2'] |
| showStateIds | [] | false | Display different states of different elements, data structure:[{id: 1, state: 'XX', color: '#fff', text: ''}, {}] |
| reloadMap | | false | Reload the map |
| reloadFinish | | false | Reload the map to complete the callback |
| touchable | | false | Touch control |
| deleteId | | false | Delete selected element id |
| deleteFinish | | false | Callback after deleting selected element |
| tooltipContent | | false | Display tooltip |
| elementsColor | [] | false | Set color according to element id, data structure:[{id: 1, color: '#fff'}, {}] |
| pathStartSvg | | false | Guide start icon, this icon contains only elements inside svg, without svg tags |
| pathEndSvg | | false | Guide end icon, this icon contains only elements inside svg, without svg tags |
| pathStyle | | false | Guide leader style, style setting reference svg element attributes |
| markSvg | | false | Search anchor or mark icon, this icon contains only elements inside svg, without svg tags |
| selectedSvg | | false | Check icon, this icon contains only elements inside svg, without svg tags |
| defaultTooltipKey | | '' | You can customize the default key in the bubble, such as orgName |
| getSvgDom | | '' | Get viewerdom of SVG callback method |
| signatureKey | null | false | Signature key |
| restfulSignature | false | false | Controls whether to sign or not, when set to true, the signature key must be set to a valid value |
| textColor | #fff | false | elements text color |
|scaleFactorMax| 5 |false |maximum amount of scale a user can zoom in to
|scaleFactorMin | 0.5 |false | minimum amount of scale a user can zoom out of
| isGenders | false
| false | Display male and female outsourcing type avatars before the name of the material |
|centerEleRate| 1 |false | Set the center material magnification
|centerElement | {} |false | Set the central material
|clickToCenter| {} |false | If set true when you click element will set it to center and zoom bigger.
|windowsTouchSupport| false |false | Whether Windows touch screen is supported.
onClickError Error Code
| code | description |
| 100
| Selected elements that cannot be displayed |
| 101
| Selected elements that the ID cannot be selected |
| 102
| Selected elements that the types cannot be selected |
| 103
| Selected elements that the states cannot be selected |
| 104
| Multi-select mode cannot select different types at the same time |
| name | props | return | description | |--------|---------|----------|---------------| | reloadElements | | | Reload the elements on the map | | clearSelectElement | | | Clears the selected set of elements |
tooltipContent example of use
tipObj is the object returned by this method
tooltipContent = (tooltipObj)=>{
const radius = 5;
const width = 150;
const height = 45;
return (
d={`M0 0 l10 10 h ${width / 2 - 10 - radius}
a ${radius} ${radius} 90 0 1 ${radius} ${radius} v ${height}
a ${radius} ${radius} 90 0 1 ${-radius} ${radius} h ${2 * radius - width}
a ${radius} ${radius} 90 0 1 ${-radius} ${-radius} v ${-height}
a ${radius} ${radius} 90 0 1 ${radius} ${-radius} h ${width / 2 - 10 - radius} Z`}
tooltipObj对象需要从 getMapStationList这个方法里获取数据存入contentObj对象,获取完整的对象
*getMapStationList({ payload }, { call, put, select }) {
const { locationId } = yield select(state => state.swsCommon);
const param = payload || { locationId };
const { info } = yield select(state => state.login);
if (info && info.tenant_id) {
param.domainId = info.tenant_id;
const result = yield call(service.getMapStationList, { payload: param });
if (result && result.code === 0) {
const onMapList = [];
const visibleList = [];
result.data.forEach(item => {
if (item && item.elementId) {
id: item.elementId,
state: item.statusCode,
color: item.statusColor,
text: item.userNames || item.stationNum,
contentObj: item
yield put({
type: 'saveOrUpdateData',
payload: {
mapStationList: result.data,
stationsOnMap: onMapList,