Small and simple logger for Node.JS Apps. Implementing winston.
An easy-to-use logger to implement on your NodeJs App. It implements winston logger.
const logger = require("w-tiny-logger").getLogger()
logger.info("Hi there, my first log!")
This example will just log on your console.
File Logging
If you want to log information on a log file, you can try the next example:
const logger = require("w-tiny-logger").getLogger({
File: {}
logger.info("Hi there, my first file log!")
You can log string messages, or maybe JSON metadata objects.
const logger = require("w-tiny-logger").getLogger({})
logger.info("Logging my JSON!", { myObject: "This is my JSON Metadata object" })
logger.warn("Logging my JSON!", { whatever: "This is my warn" })
Logging Levels
You can use different levels for logging.
const logger = require("w-tiny-logger").getLogger({})
logger.log('info', "Info log");
logger.log('warn', "Warn log");
logger.log('error', "Error log");
logger.info("Info log by method call");
logger.warn("Warn log by method call");
logger.error("Error log by method call");
Other Transports and Multiple Transports
It´s possible to use MongoDB or Graylog aswell. Or maybe you want to use all of them together.
const logger = require("w-tiny-logger").getLogger({
File: {
filename: "MyLog" //optional
MongoDB: { db: "mongodb://"},
Graylog: {}
logger.info("Using many transports at the same time!")
It´s default the use of the Console Transport, but any other is optional.
Other Considerations
This module is an implementation of the Winston Logger Library, using some of the basic transports available for the library, like Winston Graylog2 and and Winston MongoDB.
You can find more information about the options for each transport on the authors library.
Full Example
It´s possible to implement other transports, just like using winston.
const assert = require("assert")
const winston = require('winston');
const sinon = require('sinon');
const spyLogger = require('winston-spy');
const spy = sinon.spy();
const logger = require("w-tiny-logger").getLogger({
File: {
filename: "MyLog" //optional
MongoDB: {
level: 'info',
silent: false,
db: "mongodb://",
options: { poolSize: 2, autoReconnect: true },
collection: 'log',
storeHost: false,
username: '',
password: '',
label: '',
name: '',
capped: false,
cappedSize: 10000000,
cappedMax: 10000000,
tryReconnect: false,
decolorize: false,
expireAfterSeconds: 10000
Graylog: {
name: 'Graylog',
level: 'debug',
silent: false,
handleExceptions: false,
prelog: function(msg) {
return msg.trim();
graylog: {
servers: [{host: 'localhost', port: 12201}, {host: 'remote.host', port: 12201}],
hostname: 'myServer',
facility: 'myAwesomeApp',
bufferSize: 1400
staticMeta: {env: 'staging'}
}, [new spyLogger({ spy: spy })])
let message = "Using many transports at the same time!"
assert(spy.calledWith('info', message));