Lists Valid video files in a given path using ffmpeg to ensure ending of content.
alid V
ideo F
iles (vvf
is a synchronous Node.js
script that uses ffmpeg
to detect valid video files at a given path. A frame is decoded from the end / a second less than the claimed duration and all files that pass this process are considered a valid video ready for processing (eg: 3rd party online encoders). This is particularly useful over typical fs.watch
approach especially in cases where video content may be in a state of transfer / copy (eg across network) and not considerable as a file in a complete or ready state.
Expected file extensions that monitored include:
| files: | .3gp
, .3gp2
, .264
, .amv
, .asf
, .avi
, .bik
, .dv
, .divx
, .f4v
, .flv
, .gvi
, .m2t
, .m2ts
, .m2v
, .m4v
, .mkv
, .mov
, .mp2
, .mp2v
, .mp4
, .mp4v
, .mpeg
, .mpeg2
, .mpeg4
, .mpg
, .mxg
, .mtv nsv
, .nuv
, .rec
, .rm
, .rmvb
, .rpl
, .ogg
, .ogm
, .ogv
, .ogx
, .ps
, .qt
, .swf
, .vob
, .webm
, .wmv
, .xvid
, .wtv
| --- | --- |
| CAUTION: | symlinked paths / directories may not be followed or may not work. |
This scripts works in Linux (Debian, OSX, etc) & Windows using cygwin
npm install vvf # local repo install to use in your project
npm install -g vvf # global install
vvf --help # brief help
man vvf # manual
Once installed vvf
can be used as standalone command to execute or further extended as module in your Node.js
script / project.
/ Command Line Interface (CLI)
Once installed you may run in shell
vvf . # which will watch current path
vvf . -f # same as above watching indefinite
vvf . -x=avi # look at `.avi` extension files only.
vvf . -zs=20 # 20 secs before end is validation point - better with sloppy / non-key framed files.
Using vvf
as an npm
module is also possible by way of:
Fork Process
(advised)- Require module (not recommended)
Using the module in the common manner of var ffs = require("ffs");
is not advised unless a synchronous flows are compatible with your process.
Whats expected with each invocation / call is a request object such as:
var oPS = {"cmd": "start", "path": "/path/to/directory", "s": true, "oa": "all.json", "od": "del.json" };
// substitute "s" for single execution with "f" for indefinite forever watch.
fork process
The exemplified mock below assumes that vvf
is also installed locally using npm install vff
instead of the global version.
var mVFF;
try{ mVFF = require("child_process").fork(__dirname+"/node_modules/vff/vff.js"); }
catch(e){ console.log("Could NOT fork required module.\n"+e); process.exit(1); }
/* alternative you may refer to the globally installed version replacing __dirname */
var oPS = {"cmd": "start", "path" : "/path/to/directory", "s" : true };
/* do a single scan on requested path */
mVFF.on("message", function(m)
if (UID !== m.msg && "OK" === m.msg ) { console.log("vvf is started with:", m); return; }
if (UID !== m.msg) { console.log("vvf sent:", m); return; }
The forked process emits notifications by way of process.send
that parent process can listen to as demonstrated above. For a complete example refer to vvf_index.js
that uses vvf.js
in this forked manner.
Similarly vvf
can be loaded as a require.
var mVFF;
try{ mVFF = require("vff"); }
catch(e){ console.log("npm module missing?\nCould NOT load required module.\n"+e); process.exit(1); }
var oPS = {"cmd": "start", "path" : "/path/to/directory", "s" : true };
/* do a single scan on requested path */
var sRet = mVFF.initLoad(oPS);
console.log("Completed vff call - recieved:\n----\n" + sRet+"\n----\n");
This synchronously calls vff
module and thereafter where the process is complete it returns vff.json
& vff_del.json
at the specified path.
There are faster approximation techniques that may be used in favour of the decode approach which can attain four times (4x
) faster or greater improvements to overall required times.
For example one can obtain the acclaimed bit
/ mbps
rate and multiply this by the total duration
to obtain the minimum expected file size that could then be observed; the draw backs with this approach are that they would not work with zero
padded files that maybe streamed into nor where bit
rates may be wrong / erroneous.
The current techniques used by vvf
at present are also prone to false-passes cases such as those where the content is in hash-transfer (eg: torrents
) and contains the ending segment of content but not all prior or other parts.
What may serve is a combination scheme of approximation with sampled frame encoding of quartiles segment ranges (upper, lower, etc) thereby reducing the probability of any files being incorrectly considered as ready.