Helpers to use Vuex store form Vue Composition API
A util package to use Vuex with Composition API easily.
$ npm install vuex-composition
$ yarn add vuex-composition
$ pnpm install vuex-composition
Basic Usage Examples
<script setup>
import { computed } from 'vue'
import { mapState, mapGetters, mapMutations, mapActions } from 'vuex-composition'
const { article, comments } = mapState(['article', 'comments'])
const { fullname } = mapGetters(['fullname'])
const { SET_USER_INFO } = mapMutations(['SET_USER_INFO'])
const { fetch } = mapActions(['fetch'])
// 设置用户信息
const userInfo = {}
// 请求数据
const url = ''
const params = {}
const getData = fetch(url, params)
// 响应式
const articleRef = computed(() => article)
const commentsRef = computed(() => comments)
const fullnameRef = computed(fullname)
Reactive Usage Examples
<script setup>
import { computed } from 'vue'
import { mapStateRefs, mapGettersRefs } from 'vuex-composition'
// 响应式
const { article, comments } = mapStateRefs(['article', 'comments'])
const { fullname } = mapGettersRefs(['fullname'])
// article => articleRef = computed(() => article)
// fullnameRef => computed(fullname)
Full Usage Examples
<script setup>
import { computed } from 'vue'
import { mapStoreRefs } from 'vuex-composition'
// 响应式
const { article, comments, fullname, SET_USER_INFO, fetch } = mapStoreRefs()
Modules Usage Examples
<script setup>
import { computed } from 'vue'
import { mapState, mapGetters, mapStateRefs, mapGettersRefs, mapMutations, mapActions } from 'vuex-composition'
const { article, comments } = mapState('common', ['article', 'comments'])
const { fullname } = mapGetters('common', ['fullname'])
const { article as articleRef, comments as commentsRef } = mapStateRefs('common', ['article', 'comments'])
const { fullname as fullnameRef } = mapGettersRefs('common', ['fullname'])
const { SET_USER_INFO } = mapMutations('common', ['SET_USER_INFO'])
const { fetch } = mapActions('common', ['fetch'])
// 设置用户信息
const userInfo = {}
// 请求数据
const url = ''
const params = {}
const getData = fetch(url, params)
// 响应式
const articleRef = computed(() => article)
const commentsRef = computed(() => comments)
const fullnameRef = computed(fullname)
Namespaced Usage Examples
<script setup>
import { createNamespacedHelpers } from 'vuex-composition'
const { mapState, mapGetters, mapStateRefs, mapGettersRefs, mapMutations, mapActions, mapStoreRefs } = createNamespacedHelpers('common')
const { article, comments } = mapState('common', ['article', 'comments'])
const { fullname } = mapGetters('common', ['fullname'])
const { article as articleRef, comments as commentsRef } = mapStateRefs('common', ['article', 'comments'])
const { fullname as fullnameRef } = mapGettersRefs('common', ['fullname'])
useStore Usage Examples
Consider separate the store composition file from the store usage inside the component
<script setup>
import { useStore } from 'vuex'
import { createNamespacedHelpers } from 'vuex-composition';
import { mapState, mapGetters, mapStateRefs, mapGettersRefs, mapMutations, mapActions } from 'vuex-composition'
const store = useStore()
const { article, comments } = mapState(store, 'common', ['article', 'comments'])
const { fullname } = mapGetters(store, ['fullname'])
const { article as articleRef, comments as commentsRef } = mapStateRefs(store, ['article', 'comments'])
const { fullname as fullnameRef } = mapGettersRefs(store, 'common', ['fullname'])
const { SET_USER_INFO } = mapMutations(store, 'common', ['SET_USER_INFO'])
const { fetch } = mapActions(store, ['fetch'])
const { article, comments, fullname, SET_USER_INFO, fetch } = mapStoreRefs(store, 'common')
// 设置用户信息
const userInfo = {}
// 请求数据
const url = ''
const params = {}
const getData = fetch(url, params)
// 响应式
const articleRef = computed(() => article)
const commentsRef = computed(() => comments)
const fullnameRef = computed(fullname)