vuetify masked textfield and filter
Create a masked text field for vuetify 2.x based on v-text-field. Supported are static masks provided by string/object and the masking of float and integer values. Additionally, a filter exists to format a value.
npm install vuetify-masked --save
import Vue from 'vue'
import VuetifyMasked from 'vuetify-masked'
// use only the component
import { VuetifyMaskedComponent } from 'vuetify-masked'
// use only the filter
import { VuetifyMaskedFilter } from 'vuetify-masked'
export default {
components: {
'v-text-field-masked': VuetifyMaskedComponent
filters: {
Once installed, for a simple mask the component can be used in a template as simple as:
Type 'text'
<!-- Component -->
label="default type (text)"
<!-- Filter -->
{{ text | vuetifyMaskedFilter({ formatMask: "###A/##l/D#U" }) }}
Resulted value for '123A56U89a' is '123A/56u/89A'. In the text field default hints will be shown.
Type 'float'
label="float type"
<!-- Filter -->
{{ text | vuetifyMaskedFilter({ type:"float" }) }}
Resulted value for '1234567890' is '1,234,567,890.00'
Type 'integer'
label="integer type"
<!-- Filter -->
{{ text | vuetifyMaskedFilter({ type:"integer" }) }}
Resulted value for '1234567890' is '1,234,567,890'
Type 'currency'
label="currency type"
<!-- Filter -->
{{ text | vuetifyMaskedFilter({ type:"currency" }) }}
Resulted value for '1234567890' is '1,234,567,890.00USD'
Type 'percentage'
label="percentage type"
<!-- Filter -->
{{ text | vuetifyMaskedFilter({ type:"percentage" }) }}
Resulted value for '1234567890' is '1,234,567,890.00%'
Options (Component Props and Filter Parameters)
The following options can be used for component and filter
|Option |Type |Default |Component |Filter |Description |
|:-------------|:--- |:-----------------|:----------|:------|:-----------|
|deformatMask |string, object |null
|yes |no |Mask used to deformat the masked value. If null all characters of the masked will be removed |
|empty |string |null
|yes |yes |Value returned for an empty text field when using the component. For the filter the provided string will be displayed if value is empty or null|
|falseCharWildcard|string |''
|yes |yes |False characters of the provided v-model/value will be replaced with this one. By default they will simply be deleted.|
|formatMask |string, object |'##########'
|yes |yes |Used to mask the given value. Meaning of characters and usable attributes for object can be found below table|
|hints |object ||yes|no| Hints will be displayed depending on the cursor position and according to the next possible character that can be entered. |
|length |number |null
|yes |no |Max number of digits (including precision) that can be entered into the text field. Ignored for type text.|
|locale |string |'en-EN'
|yes |yes |Used to determine the decimal and thousands seperator. |
|maskCharacter |array |['-', '+', '.', ',', ' ', '/', '(', ')', '_', '\\', '\'', '~', '*', '&', '"', '?']
|yes|yes|Characters of the mask. Can not be used as input character for the text field. Used for both, formatMask and deformatMask.|
|precision |number |2
|yes |yes |Precision used for numbers. Ingored for types text and integer.|
|properties |object |null
|yes |no |Properties for the v-text-field used by vuetify-masked|
|showHints |boolean |false |yes |no |If true, show hints defined by hints
|suffix |string |null
(text, integer, float)'%'
|type |string |'text'
|yes |yes |5 types exist: text, float, integer, currency, and percentage |
|value |string, number |null
|yes |yes |Mapped to the v-model of the component| |
|v-model |string, number |null
|yes |no | |
Predefined Mask Characters
|Character is alphabetical|
|Character is a digit|
|Character will be transformed to lower cased|
|Character will be transformed to upper cased|
|Any character is valid|
Any other alphabetical character of the mask will be handled as #.
Object Attributes for Mask
In case of an object, the following attributes can be set.
|mask|string|Character of the mask.|
|toUpperCase|boolean|If true the character will be transformed to upper case. If not explicity set it will be true if mask is 'U'
|toLowerCase|boolean|If true the character will be transformed to upper case. If not explicity set it will be true if mask is 'l'
|onlyDigit|boolean|If true the character will be transformed to upper case. If not explicity set it will be true if mask is 'D'
|onlyAlphabetical|boolean|If true the character will be transformed to upper case. If not explicity set it will be true if mask is 'A'
|hint|string|Hint only used for this character of the mask.|
Hints Object Attributes and Default Values
|Attribute |Type |Default|Description|
|alphabetic |string|'The next char is alphabetic'
|By default used for 'A'
|alphanumeric|string|'The next char is alphanumeric'
|By default used for '#'
|digit |string|'The next char is a digit'
|By default used for 'D'
|lowerCase |string|'The next char is lower case'
|By default used for 'l'
|maxLength |string|'Max number of characters reached'
|numeric |string|null
|Only used for types float, integer, currency, and percentage|
|upperCase |string|'The next char is upper case'
|By default used for 'U'