The quickest way to run vuejs client side (inspired by next.js, nuxt.js and vbuild).
The quickest way to run vuejs client side (inspired by next.js, nuxt.js and vbuild).
$ yarn global add vues
$ vues init project
$ cd project
$ yarn dev
Done!!! You're now running vuejs.
Folder Structure
|-- filters/
|-- layouts/
|-- stores/
|-- views/
vues.config.js (click to toggle)
title: 'My App'
{{ title }}
will be replaced by the title in your vues.config.js
and {{ viewTitle }}
will be replaced by the title
option in your /views
titleTemplate: '{{ title }} | {{ viewTitle }}'
import { resolve } from 'path'
srcDir: resolve('./src')
Some node modules may require the need to be processed by babel-loader
include: ['some-node-module']
Vues will load environment variables from .env
and .env.[process.env.NODE_ENV]
files. If you want access to them via process.env
inside your vuejs project just and them to your envs array.
envs: ['PUBLIC_KEY']
You will now have access to process.env.PUBLIC_KEY
inside your vuejs project.
You can completely customize vue-router using any of the options available at If you make the router option a function, you will be able to access the context of the router file.
router () {
return {
history: null, // cordova can't handle html5 browser history
routes: [
{ name: 'index', path: '/', component: require('~/views/login') },
// You have access to LoginView due to this being executed in the context of the router file.
{ name: 'logout', path: '/logout', component: LoginView }
// You even have the option to use the routers beforeEach method.
beforeEach (to, from, next) {
// some code
Just like the router you can use this to completely customize vuex. It may also be turned into a function, which will the get executed in the context of the store.js
store: {
plugins: [require('vuex-persistedstate')]
We use core-js under the hood, the following are used by default:
polyfills: ['promise', 'array/includes', 'string/includes', 'object/entries']
Default babel config used:
babel: {
presets: ['vue-app']
meta: [
{ name: 'mobile-web-app-capable', content: 'yes' }