VuePress plugin for importing markdown files from Github
VuePress plugin for importing markdown from Github
Create Github App for Organization:
- Please follow guide if you have questions.
- Make sure to save the Private Key that is generated to your .env file
.May need to format the Private Key properly on single line for env file (The OSX script will format & save to clipboard for easy pasting):
awk -v ORS='\\n' '1' github-app-name.2020-06-21.private-key.pem | pbcopy
Some deployment services (ie. Netlify) won't be able to parse the line breaks properly. When calling the env variable replace the line breaks like this:
process.env.GITHUB_PRIVATE_KEY.replace(/\\n/gm, '\n')
- Also save the App ID to your .env file
- Install Github App
- Please follow guide for installation.
- On the installation page of the app, make note of the Installation ID** at the end of the url. (ie.**9762656**
). Save to your .env fileGITHUB_INSTALLATION_ID
npm install -D vuepress-plugin-github-markdown
Add to .vuepress/config
plugins: [
appId: process.env.GITHUB_APP_ID,
privateKey: process.env.GITHUB_PRIVATE_KEY.replace(/\\n/gm, '\n'),
installationId: process.env.GITHUB_INSTALLATION_ID,
files: [
path: '/nuxt/changelog.html',
owner: 'getnacelle',
repo: 'nacelle-nuxt-starter',
githubFilePath: '',
modifyContent(content) {
// Append title to markdown
return '# @nacelle/nacelle-nuxt-starter' + '\n' + content
Plugin Options:
| Name | Param[Type] | Describe | | ---- | --------- | -------- | | appId | String | App ID for Github App | | privateKey | String | Private Key of Github App | | installationId | String | ID of Github App installation | | files | File[] | Array of file options for markdown files to import |
File Options:
| Name | Param[Type] | Describe | | ---- | --------- | -------- | | path | String | url path where the page will live in docs | | owner | String | github owner/organization | | repo | String | github repo name | | githubFilePath | String | the url to the raw markdown file | | modifyContent | (String): String | (optional) A function that can modify imported content if needed |
Link to Markdown File in Sidebar:
We can link to the markdown file by using a standard sidebar group in the config.js
title: 'Changelog',
collapsable: true,
path: '/nuxt/changelog',
sidebarDepth: 1,
children: ['/nuxt/changelog'],