Use font awesome icon in the Vuepress markdown file directly
Font Awesome component for Vuepress
This plugin allows you to use Font Awesome icons in Vuepress markdown file directly.
Support regular and solid icons ONLY
How to Use
Each icon's used as a Vuepress component, so you just need to input a directive start with Fa-
then follow the Capitalised font awesome icon class name, for example:
<!-- Insert a address book icon, red colour, 3x large size -->
<Fa-AddressBook color="red" size="3x" />
- Step 1: Install dependency
yarn add vuepress-plugin-font-awesome
- Step 2: Create a shortcut script, please add following codes in your
"scripts": {
"fa:build": "node node_modules/vuepress-plugin-font-awesome/index.js"
Generate Font Awesome components
Generate all font awesome icon components
Simply run following command:
yarn fa:build
If in your project, you root folder is in other place, for example: 'docs', then pass the
yarn fa:build --dest=docs
The plugin will put the font awesome components in right place, which is .vuepress/components/Fa
Generate specified icons only
By default, there are 152 regular and 957 solid icon components will be generated, which is a huge amount. Instead of pack them all, you might want to only generate some specified icons based on your demand. To do so, simply put them in the .vuepress/config.js file as below:
module.exports = {
title: 'Hello VuePress',
description: 'Just playing around',
// Please append following lines into your config.js
thirdPartyComponents: {
regular:['address-card','file-audio'], // Regular font awesome icon keys here
solid:['battery-quarter'] // Solid font awesome icon keys here
If you don't know what icon's key you could use, please refer the following:
The command is exactly same as above:
yarn fa:build
yarn fa:build --dest=$YOUR_DOCS
Use Font Awesome in your markdown
In any of your markdown file, simply add:
<Fa-AddressBook />
Add props to icon:
<Fa-AddressBook color="red" size="3x" />
Here below are props you could pass:
- color: String, Color Hex Code
- size: String, Font Awesome size class: 'lg', 'xs', 'sm', '1x', '2x', '3x', '4x', '5x', '6x', '7x', '8x', '9x', '10x'
- pull: String, left/right
- rotation: [String, Number], degrees such as 90/180/270
- flip: String, such as 'horizontal', 'vertical', 'both'
- spin: true/false
- pulse: true/false
- border: true/false
Change Log
: 23/Jul/2019- add specified icons generation feature
- add regular and solid icons key list file
: 22/Jul/2019- Support all props to pass to the component