Component that allows having synchronized language switchable code blocks (e.g. to switch between Java and Kotlin examples). Selected languages are persisted to local storage to have language selection be permanent across page requests.
Component that allows having synchronized language switchable code blocks (e.g. to switch between Java and Kotlin examples). Selected languages are persisted to local storage to have language selection be permanent across page requests.
This plugin supports both Vuepress 1 and 2. Since Vuepress 1 plugins are incompatible with Vuepress 2 I try to maintain the plugin for both Vuepress versions. Those plugin versions can be seen in different GitHub branches as shown below.
| | Vuepress 1 | Vuepress 2 |
| -- | --- | --- |
| npm | Versions 1.x.x
| Versions 2.x.x
| GitHub | vuepress-1
Branch | main
Branch |
A live demo is available at
These instructions are only valid for Vuepress 2. If you use Vuepress 1, see here.
$ npm install vuepress-plugin-code-switcher@~2.0 --save
After installing, add it to your Vuepress configuration's plugin list:
import { codeSwitcherPlugin } from 'vuepress-plugin-code-switcher'
export default {
// Your remaining configuration ...
plugins: [ codeSwitcherPlugin(/* your config options go here */) ],
<CodeSwitcher :languages="{js:'JavaScript',ts:'TypeScript'}">
<template v-slot:js>
module.exports = function (str) {
return typeof str === 'string' && str.trim() === str
<template v-slot:ts>
export default function isString (str: string) : str is string {
return typeof str === 'string' && str.trim() === str
The extra newline between the
tags and their content is necessary if you want to have Markdown interpreted within the component.
With options
If you have a lot of code switchers in your documentation you might not want to specify your languages every single time. Therefore you can instantiate the plugin with options and name the default languages for a given group:
import { codeSwitcherPlugin } from 'vuepress-plugin-code-switcher'
export default {
// Your remaining configuration ...
plugins: [
groups: {
default: { ts: 'TypeScript', js: 'JavaScript' },
jvm: { java: 'Java', kotlin: 'Kotlin', jruby: 'JRuby' },
// You can also specify a custom name for the code switcher component.
// If chaning the name like so, you then use the component as <CustomCodeSwitcher>
// in your markdown code
componentName: 'CustomCodeSwitcher',
You then want to give your CodeSwitcher
components the name
prop to match them
with the configured language group. If you omit the name
prop, it uses the group
named default
<!-- Uses the "default" languages defined above -->
<template v-slot:js>
<!-- ... (see above) -->
<template v-slot:ts>
<!-- ... (see above) -->
<!-- Uses the "jvm" languages defined above -->
<CodeSwitcher name="jvm">
<template v-slot:java>
<!-- ... (see above) -->
<template v-slot:kotlin>
<!-- ... (see above) -->
<template v-slot:jruby>
<!-- ... (see above) -->
| Prop | Description | Type | Default |
| ----- | ----- | ---- | ---- |
| languages | The languages that can be switched between. The object expects shorthands as keys and the tab title as values. The shorthands will also be used as slot names | Object | --- |
| name | All code switchers on one page with the same name will be synchronized. When using the groups
plugin option, this will also determine the default value for the languages
prop. | String | 'default'
| isolated | if true, this block will not synchronize with any others or load/save its state to/from localstorage | Boolean | false