vuejs component for creating quizes where user should choose 1 right answer of 4 variants
npm i vuejs-quiz
yarn add vuejs-quiz
for what?
VueJS component for creating quizes where user should choose 1 right answer of 4 variants
where could i use it?
Anywhere. As for me: this component was created for quiz-game multipage site on CMS Wordpress. Questions and Answers were released with help of Advanced Custom List plugin. I wrote php page template that gets data from acl fields, makes some logic and send json answers to VueJS component.
backend-script you can see in example/online-game.php
How to install and correctly use component you can see in 'example/index.js'.
- Install Vue;
- Install VueCookie, tell Vue to use it;
- Add component in Vue;
- Create object/class that implements all methods, that are present in src/assets/js/iServer.js;
- If you have any problems on this step - see examples in *src/assets/js folder;
- Add html-placeholder for component;
- Pass object from p.4 as iServer prop to component;
One important think - as you could see, component need one prop to be set = iServer. In OOP terms, this object is implementation of server-communication interface. You can see it structure in src/assets/js/iServer.js.
In example, there are 2 implementation of iServer:
- iServerLocal.js - just returning json objects with required fields, backend is not needed;
- iServerRemote.js - axios-based implementation, that could get data over HTTP-GET requests from server;
As an example, you could use iServerLocal.js and start project on local machine, no backend needed.
can i see examples?
In folder "templates".