Vue 3 select option package, where you should pass an array or array of objects as a prop and returns a selectd item or object.
Vue 3 select option with search filter
Using this package, you can display an array of object on select option list, select a specific object and render its display name.
Props ----- v-model, data and displayName are REQUIRED
placeHolder - Default title is Select Item, Pass a string you prefer to display initially, such as 'Select company', 'Select user', etc, than after you select an item, selected item's display name will be displayed.
width - By default width is inherited but if you wat to give a specific, just pass a number you like. Note - measurement will be in PX - pixels.
maxHeight - By default maximum height will be 250px, but if you wat to give a specific, just pass a number you like. Note - measurement will be in PX - pixels.
inputOutlineColor - By default the input outline colour when focused will be the shades of green, but if you want it to look different just pass color name, hex code or rgba value of your choice on string like inputOutlineColor="'red'".
inputBorderColor - By default the input border colour will be gray, but if you want it to look different just pass color name, hex code or rgba value of your choice on string like inputBorderColor="'yellow'".
selected - If you want to pass a default value to render initially, you can pass an object to selected prop like
data - To render your items on a list, just pass array of objects, Note: only pass array of objects.
v-model - Pass a variable to store a selected object. For example, if you may want to store selected object or item on a variable like this const selectedItem = ref({}) or const selectedItem = reactive({}), just pass selectedItem to v-model like v-model="selectedItem"
displayName - Pass a prop as string to displayName for example displayName="'name'", in this case name should be a field inside a object you passed on data array, like as data = [{id: 1, name: abc, age: 50}, {id: 2, name: def, age: 25}], So now on this object, except for id, name and age, if you mis-spell or pass a string which is not a key(field) of an object on array, the package will not render anything on option list.
You should globally import this package and it's style on main.js, also you should use it on App, like
import SelectOption from 'vue3-select-option-search'
import "vue3-select-option-search/dist/style.css"
import SelectOption from 'vue3-select-option-search'
import "vue3-select-option-search/dist/style.css"
const app = createApp(App);
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
const data = [
{id: 1, name: 'Ram'},
{id: 2, name: 'Shyam'},
{id: 3, name: 'Hari'},
{id: 4, name: 'Krishna'},
{id: 5, name: 'Balram'},
{id: 6, name: 'Arjun'},
const selectedItem = ref({})
:placeHolder="'select item'"
<p v-if="!!">{{ }}</p>
<style scoped>