A vue3-based mobile phone area code selection, nationality selection component(一个基于vue3的手机区号选择、国籍选择组件)
Mobile phone area code and nationality components based on vue3, compatible with PC and mobile terminals. vue3-country-intl
has 3 modes (
input, popover, modal)
Plugin supported country data from:
- iso2 code:
- country code:
1.1、Effect preview
fellow apprentices
Vue2.0 of the nationality / mobile phone area code selection plug-in (
React of nationality/mobile phone area code selection plug-in(
Nationality/mobile phone area code selection plug-in for WeChat Mini Program(
he most basic drop-down component that can be positioned intelligently(
npm install vue3-country-intl --save
1.3、Usage --.vue single file
import Vue from 'vue';
import App from './App.vue';
import Vue3CountryIntl from 'vue3-country-intl';
// import css
import 'vue3-country-intl/lib/vue3-country-intl.css'
const app = Vue.createApp(App);
// Globally registered components
app.component(, Vue3CountryIntl);
/*****used in the component****/
<vue3-country-intl v-model="countryCode"></vue3-country-intl>
1.4、Usage - import js files directly
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./lib/vue3-country-intl.css">
<script src="./lib/vue3-country-intl.esm.min.js"></script>
Vue.component('vue3-country-intl', vue3CountryIntl);
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {}
<Vue3CountryIntl v-model="phoneCountry"></Vue3CountryIntl>
Use Chinese to display nationality names
<button type="button" @click="schemaPopoverData.visible = true">选择手机区号</button>
<button type="button" @click="schemaPopoverData.visible = true">选择手机区号</button>
<template slot="vueCountryNoData"><h1>没有找到该国籍!</h1></template>
<button type="button" @click="schemaModalVisible.default = true">选择手机区号</button>
<Vue3CountryIntl schema="modal" modal-class="modal-class" :listZIndex="5000" v-model:visible="schemaModalVisible.default" v-model="schemaModal.default">
<template slot="vueCountryNoData"><h1>没有找到该国籍!</h1></template>
: display mode
- input: input input box mode (default)
- popover: popover popup window mode
- modal: modal box popup window mode
: value type
- phone: Indicates to select the mobile phone area code
- country: Indicates the choice of nationality
: input placeholder
: Is it possible to search (data type: Boolean)
: is disabled(data type:Boolean)
: Whether to display the area code in the input box(data type:Boolean)
7. showLabelImg
: Whether to display images in the input box (data type: Boolean)
: Whether to display only the selected value, but not the international name (data type: Boolean)listZIndex
: The hierarchy of the list (data type: Number)maxHeight
: The maximum height of the list, the default is 350px for PC, and 240px for mobile (data type: Number)selectedText
: the text on the right side of the selected item in the list, the default is SelectedshowSelectedText
: Whether to display the right 'Selected' text when the list item is selected, the default is true (data type: Boolean)readonly
: whether to read only, defaultfalse
(data type: Boolean)offsetTop
: The distance between the popover window and the reference element. The default is 10. Only valid whenschema=popover
(data type: Number)popoverClass
: extra class for popover pop-up window. Only valid whenschema=popover
(data type: String)searchInputPlaceholder
: Search the placeholder text of the input box, only valid in schema=popover, schema=modal (data type: String)
: extra class for model pop-up window. Only valid when schema=modal
(data type: String)
18: visible
: control component display and hide, only valid in schema=modal
, schema=popover
modes (data type: Boolean)
19: cancelText
: the text of the button to close the popup window, default: 'cancel', only valid in schema=modal mode (data type: String)
20: disableCountry
: Disabled countries (country name, country code, country area code can be passed), strings or arrays can be passed, when passing strings, disable multiple countries separated by commas (data type: String|Array)
21: onlyCountry
: Only display the specified country. You can pass a string or an array. When passing a string, multiple countries are separated by commas (data type: String|Array)
22: noDataText
: The text displayed when no country data is found, if there is a vueCountryNoData
slot, the slot content will be displayed first (data type: String)
23: iosMobileReadonly
: Whether the input box of the ios mobile terminal is read-only (only valid in schema=input
mode), the default is true, because if the ios mobile terminal is not in the read-only mode, the selection box will pop up (data Type: Boolean)
24: useChinese
: Whether to display the nationality name in Chinese, the default is true
(data type: Boolean)
25: static
: Whether to use static layout (static layout) (only valid in schema=input
mode), the default is false
(data type: Boolean)
26: transitionName
: transition name, you can customize the transition effect when the component is displayed/hidden. Default is ''
(data type: string)
26: offset
: The distance between the popover window and the click area (only valid in schema=popover
mode). Default: [0, 10]
(data type: Array)
27: rightOffset
: The distance between the popover window and the right side of the browser, this value is only valid in small screens (only valid in schema=popover
mode). Default: 20
(data type: Number)
28: iso2
: It is best to pass this attribute when type=phone
, to avoid the problem of incorrect echo when the area codes are 212, 358, and 1, because these area codes are used by multiple countries
29: appendToBody
: Whether to insert the list into the body. Defaults to true
(data type: Boolean)
30: filter
: Sorting function, consistent with the callback function in Array.filter
. Default is null
(data type: Function) new in 2.0.2
31: sort
: Sorting function, consistent with the callback function in Array.sort
. Default is null
(data type: Function) new in 2.0.2
32: transform
: Data processing function, you can use this function to deeply customize the data list, such as sorting, filtering, pinning, etc. The return value is a list of processed pairs. Default is null
(data type: Function) new in 2.0.3
33: clearable
: Whether it can be cleared. If the value is true
, the clear button will be displayed. The default value is false
(data type: Boolean) New in 2.0.7
: show listhide
: hide listgetSelected
: Get the selected list itemgetCountryInfo
: Look up nationality information based on nationality code or country code
| parameter name | description | default value |
| countryCodeOrAreaCode | Nationality Code or Nationality Area Code | ''
| type | value type | phone
| iso2 | Nationality code | ''
:The slot displayed when no country data is found (removed after version 2.x)~~noData
: empty data slotcountryItem
: custom list item slotselected
: custom selected text slotemptyData
: empty data slotcustomInputLabel
:The contents of the input box, is only valid ifschema=input
: Clear the button slot on the right side of the input box. Only valid whenschema=input
1.11. Events
: Triggered when the user manually selects a list item, and will pass selected and value to onChange (removed after version 2.x)~~change
: event when the user manually selects a list item, callback parameter:function (country)
2, vue3-country-flag
A national flag flag component based on vue3
Effect preview
npm install vue-country-intl --save
Step 1: Install a plugin that supports using require.context() to import files in vite
npm install @originjs/vite-plugin-require-context -D
import ViteRequireContext from '@originjs/vite-plugin-require-context';
export default {
plugins: [
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import Vue3CountryFlag from 'vue3-country-intl/lib/vue3-country-flag.esm.min.js';
// 引入css
import 'vue3-country-intl/lib/vue3-country-flag.css'
const app = createApp(..);
// import svg icons
let flagFilePath = require.context('vue3-country-intl/lib/country-flag-svgs', true, /\.svg$/);
app.use(VueCountryFlag, flagFilePath);
Use in component
<Vue3CountryFlag value="cn"></Vue3CountryFlag>
<Vue3CountryFlag value="+86">
<template v-slot="{country}">
<span class="slot-span">Country:<mark>{{}}</mark></span>
2.3, props attribute
: nationality code or mobile phone area code valuetype
: value type
- phone: Indicates to select the mobile phone area code
- country: Indicates the choice of nationality
: nationality code, when type=phone must pass the iso2 attribute, otherwise there will be problems when the area code is 212 or 358!useTitle
: Whether to addtitle
attribute to the element, the value of title is the code of nationality or mobile phone area code (data type: Boolean)
2.4, available method (method)
: get detailed nationality information
2.5 Events
: click event