Vue2Utils: Vue2 component
Vue2Utils: Common Javascript functions as mixins
npm install vue2-utils --save
1. Import any function as mixin
import {function-name} from 'vue2-utils';
2. Use it inside your components
import {today} from 'vue2-utils';
export default {
mixins: [today],
methods: {
2. Use all the functions
//not recommended
import everything from 'vue2-utils';
export default {
mixins: [everything],
methods: {
*3. Use it anywhere in your Vue app!
if(this.empty([])) {
List of functions
Array related
is_array check if value is an Array type
- Params: value
is_object check if value is an Object type
- Params: value
is_scalar checks if value is a primitive like number, string, etc
- Params: value
to_array converts any value into an array if not already
- Params: value
obj_values returns all the values of a object
- Params: obj
for_each iterates over an array or hash using callback. quits if callback returns false
- Params: value, fn
clone Deep copies an object replacing all old references
- Params: obj
json_safe_stringify Stringifies an object ignoring circular references
- Params: o
array_filter_items returns only matching items (if array item matches, or hash has any matching values)
- Params: arr, match, exact = false, ignore_case = true
array_merge merges multiple arrays into one
- Params: ...arrays
array_unique return unique elements of array
- Params: array
where Looks through each value in the list, returning all values that matches the key-value pairs listed in properties.
- Params: arr, match
randomize randomizes the array
- Params: array
pluck returns only a set key from a hash
- Params: obj, ...keys
in_array checks if a value exists inside array
- Params: needle, haystack, ignore_case = false
toggle_array_item removes or inserts an array item
- Params: needle, haystack, ignore_case = false
sort_by_key sort an array by key
- Params: array, key, reverse
group_by groups an array by key
- Params: array, key
chunk chunks array in size of len
- Params: arr, len
- Params: dest, ...objects
obj_set set an obj using dot path notation
- Params: object, path, value
obj_get gets an obj using dot path notation
- Params: object, path
obj_init only sets an obj if there is no existing value
- Params: object, path, value, type = null
- Params: o, key, value
obj_flat flattens a object (optionally applying a filter function to values/key before adding)
- Params: data, filter = null
array_clean removes empty elements of an array or non empty keys from hash
- Params: actual
remove_item removes an item from array or object (modes: 'ignore_case' = for scalar array, 'fuzzy' = for objects [compares using JSON.stringify each object))
- Params: needle, haystack, mode = null
equals deep compares two objects for equality
- Params: x, y
String related
lines breaks long text into lines (delimited by \r?\n)
- Params: string
sentences breaks long text into sentences (by period, question mark, etc)
- Params: str
words break text into words
- Params: str
single_line combine array into long text
- Params: lines, delim = ''
ascii remove non ascii chars from a string (utf8)
- Params: str
slugify turns a string into slug format
- Params: str
password generates random password
- Params: len
kebab converts string (including camelCase) into kebab case
- Params: str, delim = '-'
camel turns string to camelCase
- Params: str
remove_parens remove parenthesis from text
- Params: Input
str_replace replace placeholders in string
- Params: str, replacements
str_equals compares two strings for equality with/without case-sensitivity
- Params: str1, str2, ignore_case = true
empty checks if a value is empty incl. array and hash
- Params: value
ucfirst capitalizes the first letter of string
- Params: string
ucwords capitalizes all words
- Params: string
trim trims a string from both sides
- Params: value, char = "\s\s*"
ltrim trims a string from left
- Params: value, char = "\s\s*"
rtrim trims a string from right
- Params: value, char = "\s\s*"
truncate truncates a string at maxlen (adds ellipses if truncated)
- Params: str, maxlen = 20, html = false
stop_words returns a promise that resolves with most common stop words
- Params: none
html2text converts html to plain text
- Params: html
quotemeta add backslashes to a string for quoting regex, etc
- Params: text
Internet related
is_url checks if value is URL
- Params: url
google creates a google search link for a keyword
- Params: keyword, lucky = false
http_get performs a simple get request
- Params: url
parse_query parses a query string into hash
- Params: queryString = null
query_get_param parses current url for named param
- Params: name, fallback = ''
get_hash_value parses current url for param in hash (part after #)
- Params: key
image_size returns a promise that gives width and height of images
- Params: src
domain return the TLD for any url or hostname
- Params: url, tld = true
check_email checks if an email address is valid or not (with details)
- Params: email
get_youtube_id returns youtube-id from any youtube url
- Params: url
get_youtube_thumb gets the thumbnail of a youtube video
- Params: url, hq = true
get_thumb generates a thumbnail from any url including youtube videos
- Params: url, width = 200, height = ''
random_photo returns a random photo for placeholder
- Params: width = 300, height = 200
random_user_data returns a random user data for testing
- Params: none
Number related
to_num always returns a number or 0 (fix NaN issues)
- Params: value
random returns a random number between min and max
- Params: min, max
File related
basename returns the basename of a file
- Params: str
extension return the extension of a file
- Params: filename
noop this function does nothing
- Params: none
hash_code Generate a Hash from string
- Params: str
today returns today's date in dd/mm/yy
- Params: date = null, delim = '/'
to_date parses a date string into Javascript Date
- Params: str
hms converts seconds in hh:mm:ss
- Params: secs
parse_date parses any time into a date
- Params: time, tz = false
time_ago human readable relative time
- Params: time, tz = false
debounce makes a debounced version of a function, let debounced = debounce(() => console.log(111), 1500); debounced(); debounced();
- Params: func, wait, immediate = false
is_debug checks if debug mode is on
- Params: none
browser return browser's name
- Params: none
redirect redirect to another page using GET or POST with data
- Params: url, target = '_self', method = 'get', data = {}
clipboard_copy copies text to clipboard (must be initiated by a user click)
- Params: text
set_cookie sets a cookie
- Params: name, value, days = 30
get_cookie gets a cookie by name
- Params: name
erase_cookie deletes a cookie by name
- Params: name
save_object saves an object in localStorage
- Params: key, value
load_object gets an object from localStorage
- Params: key
load_script loads a script and returns promise
- Params: src
debug writes arguments to console.log
- Params: ...args
- Params: width = 768, checkAgent = false
- Params: filename
Bootstrap related
mobile_text wraps text in html that changes based on browser resolution
- Params: normal, mobile, split = 'md', block = 'inline'
fa_icon return html for a font awesome icon
- Params: value, fw = false
Contributions are welcome
Build Setup
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build