A Vue.js component that highlights text as you type
Vue 2 Input Highlighter
Highlight and style specific words as you're typing.
npm install --save vue2-input-highlighter
- Vue 2 (does not support Vue 3)
- Node >= 14
In <template>
In your component code:
import HighlightableInput from "vue2-input-highlighter"
export default {
name: 'HelloWorld',
components : {
data() {
return {
text: '',
highlight: [
{ text: 'box', classList: ['shape'] },
{ text: 'chicken', style: "background-color: #f37373" },
{ text: 'noodle', style: "background-color: #fca88f" },
{ text: 'soup', style: "background-color: #bbe4cb" },
{ text: 'so', style: "background-color: #fff05e" },
{ start: 2, end: 5, style: "background-color: #f330ff" }
highlightEnabled: true
| Name | Type | Default | Description | Reactive |
| highlight (required) | String or Array | | The string or list of words to highlight. This can be a single string value, a RegExp or you can do an array of strings or RegExp or array of Highlight Objects or array of Range Objects. | Yes |
| highlightEnabled | Boolean | true | If true
, will highlight the text. | Yes |
| defaultClassList | Array | [] | Applies the specified CSS classes to each highlight, if classList
is not provided. | Yes |
| highlightStyle | String or Object | background-color:yellow | If no style is provided for text, this will act as the global styling for the highlight. Can also be a dictionary instead of string. | Yes |
| highlightDelay | Number | 500 | Determines how long in milliseconds to wait before processing the highlights. Setting this to a low value is fine for small text but setting it higher may improve performance significantly for larger text. | Yes |
| caseSensitive | Boolean | false | If true, will treat highlight strings with case sensitivity. Can be overridden per highlight object. | Yes |
| value (or use v-model
) | String | null | Raw text value. | Yes |
| fireOn | String | keydown | The dom event on which the highlight event should be fired. This can be any event that the div content editable can handle. | No (onMount
only) |
| fireOnEnabled | Boolean | true | If true, will process the highlights on the specified (or default) event. | No (onMount
only) |
Highlight Object
text: 'chicken', // Required
classList: ['animal', 'farm'], // Optional - apply CSS classes to this highlighted token, defaulting to `defaultClassList`
style: "background-color: #f37373", // Optional
caseSensitive: true // Optional defaults to False
Range Object
start: 1, // Required
end: 9, // Required, end must be greater than start [start, end)
classList: ['range'], // Optional
style: "background-color: #f37373" // Optional
| Name | Description | Payload |
| --- | --- | --- |
| @input | Emits when user types text | str
| @onHighlight | Provides details on which text ranges were stylized | array
- [{ start, end, classList, style, text }]
This component is not designed for large scale text highlighting.
This project is forked from SyedWasiHaider/vue-highlightable-input.