Thin Vue 3 wrapper for Stripe.js
Vue Use Stripe
This is a thin Vue 3 wrapper (0.7 KB gzipped) for Stripe.js written in TypeScript. It simply provides a function (Vue hook) to create Stripe elements and a component that conveniently emits events.
Support for Vue 2 was added in 0.1.0
via vue-demi
Add Stripe.js to index.html
as recommended by Stripe:
<script async src=""></script>
Alternatively, install @stripe/stripe-js
and import it in your project to automatically add the previous script tag as a side effect:
// main.js
import '@stripe/stripe-js'
Install this wrapper:
yarn add vue-use-stripe
If you are using TypeScript, make sure you also install the mentioned @stripe/stripe-js
library as well to get proper types for Stripe. Note that, if you are adding the script tag direclty to index.html
, then @stripe/stripe-js
can be installed as a dev dependency (it will only be used for types, not bundled in your app).
Vue 3 in ESM environment
import { defineComponent, ref } from 'vue'
import { useStripe, StripeElement } from 'vue-use-stripe'
export default defineComponent({
components: { StripeElement },
setup() {
const event = ref(null)
const {
elements: [cardElement],
} = useStripe({
key: process.env.VUE_APP_STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY || '',
elements: [{ type: 'card', options: {} }],
const registerCard = () => {
if (event.value?.complete) {
// Refer to the official docs to see all the Stripe instance properties.
// E.g.
return stripe.value?.confirmCardSetup('<client-secret>', {
payment_method: {
card: cardElement.value,
return {
<StripeElement :element="cardElement" @change="event = $event" />
<button @click="registerCard">Add</button>
<div v-if="event && event.error">{{ event.error.message }}</div>
Vue 2
Install @vue/composition-api
as a dependency. Everything else should be similar to the example above for Vue 3.
Downloading directly from CDN
Make sure vue-demi
is included before vue-use-stripe
<script src=""></script>
<!-- if using Vue 2 -->
<!-- <script src="[email protected]"></script> -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
const { useStripe, StripeElement } = window.VueUseStripe
// Same as Vue 3 example above
useStripe(options: StripeOptions): {
// Reactive reference to the Stripe instance (created using `window.Stripe`) with proper typings
stripe: Ref<Stripe | null>;
// Reactive reference to the internal elements instance (Stripe.elements(...)).
// This allows creating Stripe elements manually (optional):
// stripeElements.create('card', { <options> })
stripeElements: Ref<StripeElements | null>;
// Array of elements created out of `StripeOptions.elements` array
elements: Ref<any>[];
type StripeOptions = {
// Stripe API key
key: string;
// Array of elements to be created
// See the following link for possible types and options:
// E.g. `[{ type: 'card', options: { hidePostalCode: true } }, { type: 'fpxBank' }, ...]
elements?: { type: string; options: object }[];
// Stripe constructor options:
constructorOptions?: object;
// Elements constructor options:
elementsOptions?: object;
Note: StripeOptions.elements
array is optional. Alternatively, create elements manually using the returned stripeElements
The <StripeElement />
component will emit any event created by the internal element: change
, ready
, click
, focus
, blur