Better Vue -> Typescript integration
This is an annotation based library for defining Vuejs components
@VueComponent("example-component", '<div>Template or selector</div>')
export class Example extends VueApi {
//exposes `someDataProperty` to the template
@data public someDataProperty : string;
//defines a non required prop
@prop public somePropFromParent : string;
//all vue prop options can passed in here
@prop({required: true}) public aRequiredProp: Object;
//you can use construtor in place of (or in addition to) vue's `created` hook
constructor() {
//by the time the constructor runs all props have been assigned
var value = this.somePropFromParent;
//all the normal vue Api methods are usable like normal
this.$emit('someEvent', 5);
//all prototype methods are exposed to the view
public someMethod() : void {
//all property getters / setters are exposed to the view
public get lightSaberColor() : string {
return 'blue';
//add watcher callbacks with @watch
public watcherMethod(oldValue : any, newValue : any) : void {
//watch can be set in deep mode and optionally invoked immediately
@watch('someDataProperty', {deep: true, immediate: true})
public deepWatchedMethod(string : any, string : any) : void {
//called when some event fires
public eventHandler(evt : any) {
//called only once when some event fires
public handleEventOnce() {
//you can register plugins to run before the constructor of an instance
//instance is the vue object created by the component
//component name is the dom-name of the component (like `my-component`)
//target class is the typescript class
VueComponentCreationPlugins.push(function (instance : VueApi, componentName? : string, targetClass? : Function) {
instance.$emit('Im called before creation');
//you can register plugins to run when the class is resolved
//this is useful for things like dependency injection
//target class the Typescript class you defined, vueClass is the
//`vue-ified` version of the class
VueComponentResolutionPlugins.push(function (targetClass : Function, vueClass : Function) {
//can return a promise but dont have to
return injectDependencies(targetClass);