A Vue3 plugin that makes it a easy to create tooltips for your projects. This plugin is simply a wrapper for the [Tippy.js]( library.
A Vue3 plugin that makes it a easy to create tooltips for your projects. This plugin is simply a wrapper for the Tippy.js library.
Getting Started
To install in your project use next.
npm install vue-tooltipper
Then you must configure in your main.ts or main.js file of your project and place the following
import {createTooltipPlugin} from "vue-tooltipper";
import "vue-tooltipper/styles.css";
Tippy.js is a very complete library and you will be able to make use of all its options, just by passing to the
createTooltipPlugin()function the options you want to add; for example, by default the option to show the arrow of
the tooltip is disabled, so to activate it you only need to change that option to arrow=true
createApp(App).use(createTooltipPlugin({arrow: true})).mount('#app')
The same is for any other option. Here you have a link to the Tippy.js library with the supported options which you can add to your plugin configuration.
With this you will be able to place the ToolTip component anywhere your project needs it, without the need to register it, and the way to do it is as follows.
<div class="card">
<button type="button" @click="count++">count is {{ count }}
<ToolTip text="Tooltipper"/>
<code>components/HelloWorld.vue</code> to test HMR
You can pass the text to be displayed by the ToolTip component with the text
Vue Directive
The vue-tooltipper directive makes it even easier to create amazing tooltips for your applications, as well as adding v-tooltip and assigning it the content to display.
<p v-tooltip="'Edit the component'">
<code>components/HelloWorld.vue</code> to test HMR
You can also add the options you need in the following way. Posiblemente
import type {TooltipperOptions} from 'vue-tooltipper'
const options: TooltipperOptions = {
placement: 'right-end',
trigger: 'click'
And in the directive send them as an argument
<p v-tooltip:[options]="'Edit the component'">
<code>components/HelloWorld.vue</code> to test HMR