A Vue.js plugin to mirror the material design Tap Target component.
An implementation of Material Design's Tap Target for Vue 2.
Table of contents
npm install --save vue-tap-target
In your main.js:
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueTapTarget from 'vue-tap-target'
Or via browser
<link rel="stylesheet" href="vue-tap-target/dist/vue-tap-target.css"/>
<script src="vue.js"></script>
<script src="vue-tap-target/dist/vue-tap-target.browser.js"></script>
The plugin should be auto-installed. If not, you can install it manually with the following:
<button @click="alert('You clicked the tap target!')" ref="button">Click</button>
<tap-target :show="show" :target="tapTargetFocus" backgroundColor="#3458b2" color="#ffffff" contentLocation="nw" title="This is the title" content="And here is some content to display underneath the title." @close="show = false"/>
export default {
data() {
return {
show: false,
tapTargetFocus: null
mounted () {
this.tapTargetFocus = this.$refs.button;
setTimeout(() => { = true;
}, 2000);
|backgroundColor|String|#3458b2|The background color of the main circular surround|
|color|String|#ffffff|The color of the text used with title
and content
props, or slot content|
|content|String||The main body or description to display|
|contentLocation|String|nw|The location around the focus area to display the title
and content
, or slot. Possible values: n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, nw (think: compass)|
|show|Boolean|true|Whether to show the Tap Target|
|size|String|80vw|The radius of the circular surround. Any css value is valid (eg px, %, vw)|80vw (this is the perfect size for mobile, but will be too big for desktop)|
|target|Element||A $ref value, or dom element to focus|
|title|String||The title to display|
Default slot: for more control over the contents of the tap target use the default slot. Anything in this slot will override the title
and content
- We use this on the mobile version of our bibliography generator at MyBib. Visit the site on a mobile device (or with a mobile useragent) and click the blue button in the modal to see it in action.
If you're using this in an accessible environment feel free to add a link to this list and send a PR.
Plugin Development
1. Installation
The first time you create or clone your plugin, you need to install the default dependencies:
npm install
2. Symlink it to a dev project
There isn't an example Vue app bundled in this repo, so you'll need to create your own and then symlink vue-tap-target to it.
In the vue-tap-target folder:
npm link
In your new Vue app folder:
npm link vue-tap-target
This will install it in node_modules as a symlink, and any changes you make to the vue-tap-target code will be propagated to your Vue app folder (when npm run dev
is running).
3. Watch and compile
This will run webpack in watching mode and output the compiled files in the dist
folder. If you've symlinked the vue-tap-target folder then your changes will live-update to any recipients of the symlink.
npm run dev