Ease to use, light, adaptive & configurable smooth page scroll for Vue 3. **no gsap**
Smooth Page Library
Ease to use, light, adaptive & configurable smooth page scroll for Vue 3. no gsap
SmoothPage provide you a full control of scroll behavior. When it disabled (may be you want disable it on mobile devices for optimization porpose) it uses built-in browser html/css solutions to reach the same effectm(for example horizontal scroll) as during the SmoothPage scroll enabled
SmoothPage library is in development
Features at release:
Library contains such configurable components for convinient work with smooth scroll:
- SmoothPage component
- HorizontalScrollBlock component (work when SmoothPage enabled & disabled)
- AnchorLink component (work when SmoothPage enabled & disabled)
- StickyBlock component (work when SmoothPage enabled & disabled)
Next updates:
- Different directions for SmoothPage (in current version only from top to bottom)
- wheelSafariIntensity, touchmoveSafariIntensity props for SmoothPage (in current version you still can control wheel & touchmove intensity, but in all browsers together)
- AnchorLink with element id prop which controls where to scroll (in current version you have to provide number of pixels to scroll)
- Hash mode for AnchorLink (set the hash to location url)
- Scroll to hash on load (opportunity to set scroll or not to hash on document load)
- Different directions for HorizontalScrollBlock (in current version only from left to right)
- Vertical state for HorizontalScrollBlock (in current version even if SmoothPage disabled horizontal scroll works, but if you want to make it vertical on mobile devices - this option would be for you)
- Different directions for StickyBlock (in current version only from top to bottom)
- Configurable custom scroll bar for smoothPage, when it is enabled
Examples of Websites using SmoothPage Library
Quick start
npm i vue-smoothpage
yarn add vue-smoothpage
1. First install package in main file
<!-- main.ts -->
import { createApp } from "vue";
import App from "./App.vue";
import SmoothPage from "vue-smoothpage";
import { createPinia } from "pinia"; // pinia is required (may be would be deleted in future)
import 'vue-smoothpage/styles.css' // styles is required for correct displaying
const app = createApp(App)
const pinia = createPinia()
app.use(SmoothPage, {}: SmoothPageSettings)
Available settings
interface SmoothPageSettings {
mode?: 'vertical' | 'vertical-reverse' | 'horizontal' | 'horizontal-reverse'; // 'vertical' by default
smoothness?: number; // 0.075 by default
wheelIntensity?: number; // 4 by default
touchmoveIntensity?: number; // 4 by default
// experimental features
safariWheelIntensity?: number; // equals wheelIntensity by default
safariTouchmoveIntensity?: number; // equals touchmoveIntensity by default
chromeWheelIntensity?: number; // equals wheelIntensity by default
chromeTouchmoveIntensity?: number; // equals touchmoveIntensity by default
operaWheelIntensity?: number; // equals wheelIntensity by default
operaTouchmoveIntensity?: number; // equals touchmoveIntensity by default
edgeWheelIntensity?: number; // equals wheelIntensity by default
edgeTouchmoveIntensity?: number; // equals touchmoveIntensity by default
mozillaWheelIntensity?: number; // equals wheelIntensity by default
mozillaTouchmoveIntensity?: number; // equals touchmoveIntensity by default
watchIsEnabledOn?: 'load-resize' | 'load'; // 'load-resize' by default
minWidth?: number; // 0 by default
renderDelay?: number; // 0 by default
enableOnTouchDevices?: boolean; // true by default
minTouchmoveDistance?: number; // 40 (px) by default
resetScrollPositionOnStateChanging?: boolean; // false by default (make sense only in vertical mode)
reloadPageOnStateChanging?: boolean; // false by default
enableScrollOnKeyboard?: boolean; // true by default
scrollDownOnKeys?: Array<{ code: number; distance: number; }>; // [ { code: 40, distance: 100 }, { code: 32, distance: 200 } ] by default
scrollUpOnKeys?: Array<{ code: number; distance: number; }>; // [ { code: 38, distance: 100 } ] by default
scrollRightOnKeys?: Array<{ code: number; distance: number; }>; // [ { code: 40, distance: 100 }, { code: 39, distance: 100 }, { code: 32, distance: 200 } ] by default
scrollLeftOnKeys?: Array<{ code: number; distance: number; }>; // [ { code: 38, distance: 100 }, { code: 37, distance: 100 } ] by default
preventScrollOnHoldKeys?: Array<{ code: number[] }> // [ { code: [ 16 ] } ] by default
enableScrollbar?: boolean; // true by default
enableScrollbarWhileSmoothpageDisabled?: boolean; // false by default (if "true" it will replace native scrollbar even when Smoothpage disabled)
scrollbarComponent?: Component; // SmoothScrollbar by default (can be used custom component)
scrollbarSettings?: {
trackWidth?: string; // 12px by default
thumbHeight?: string; // 100px by default
thumbWidth?: string; // 12px by default
}; // (can be replaced by custom scrollbarSettings for custom component)
defaultClassNames?: {
smoothPage?: string; // 't-smoothpage' by default
smoothPageBody?: string; // 't-smoothpage--body' by default
smoothPageBodyPosition?: string; // 't-smoothpage--body-position' by default
smoothPageEnabled?: string; // 't-smoothpage--enabled' by default
smoothPageVertical?: string; // 't-smoothpage--vertical' by default
smoothPageVerticalReverse?: string; // 't-smoothpage--vertical-reverse' by default
smoothPageHorizontal?: string; // 't-smoothpage--horizontal' by default
smoothPageHorizontalReverse?: string; // 't-smoothpage--horizontal-reverse' by default
scrollbarEnabled?: string; // 't-smoothscrollbar--enabled' by default
additionalClassNames?: {
smoothPage?: string; // '' by default
smoothPageBody?: string; // '' by default
smoothPageBodyPosition?: string; // '' by default
smoothPageEnabled?: string; // '' by default
smoothPageVertical?: string; // '' by default
smoothPageVerticalReverse?: string; // '' by default
smoothPageHorizontal?: string; // '' by default
smoothPageHorizontalReverse?: string; // '' by default
scrollbarEnabled?: string; // '' by default
2. Then use component in layout or smth like that
<!-- layout.ts -->
If you dont want to set up SmoothPage via app.use(), you can directly import it
You still can set settings to SmoothPage using "settings" prop. Most of them can work dynamicaly, for example "minWidth".
<smooth-page :settings={...}>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { SmoothPage } from 'vue-smoothpage'
Hook "useSmoothPage"
import { useSmoothPage } from 'vue-smoothpage'
That hook provide you opportunity to read almost all states of the SmoothPage (for example current smooth scroll position) & some methods.
const {
settings, // readonly (SmoothPageSettings type)
currentScrollPosition, // readonly current scroll position
isEnabled, // readonly if scroll is enabled (depends on props "minWidth" & "enableOnTouchDevices")
isTriggeringScrollPosition, // readonly (will be used by AnchorLink component)
isMounted, // readonly
isInited, // readonly
deviceType, // readonly ( "DESKTOP" | "LAPTOP" | "MOBILE" )
browser, // readonly ( "MS_EDGE" | "EDGE_CHROMIUM_BASED" | "OPERA" | "CHROME" | "MS_IE" | "MOZILLA_FIREFOX" | "SAFARI" | "OTHER" )
isPreventScroll, // readonly (true | false)
preventScroll, // method set preventScroll
reload // method reloads SmoothPage
destroy // method destroys SmoothPage
init // method init SmoothPage (to get effect SmoothPage has to be destroyed before)
} = useSmoothPage()
Methods "reload( resetPosition?: boolean )", "destroy( resetPosition?: boolean )", "init( resetPosition?: boolean )" accept prop "resetPosition" (by default is false), which reset scroll position (set position to 0 instantly)
Method "preventScroll( value: boolean )" accept "true" or "false" parameteries
if "resetScrollPositionOnStateChanging" set to "true" the scroll position will reset anyway
Custom Scrollbar
By default Smoothpage uses inner custom component for scrollbar. Which u can easily customise via provided settings and styles.
Scrollbar bar works like a plugin. If u need to create ur own custom scrollbar u can make ur own component and replace it via "scrollbarComponent" key in settings
Example for custom scrollbar component:
<!-- MyCustomScrollBar.ts -->
<div :style="{ width: `${settings.scrollbarSettings?.trackWidth}` }" class="t-smoothscrollbar">
<div ref="track" class="t-smoothscrollbar--track">
width: settings.scrollbarSettings?.thumbWidth,
height: settings.scrollbarSettings?.thumbHeight,
transform: `translateY(${thumbPosition}px)`,
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref, watchEffect } from 'vue';
import type { SmoothPageSettings } from '../../interfaces/settings.interface'
import type { PrivateStore } from '../../interfaces/store.interface';
const { settings, store } = defineProps<{
settings: SmoothPageSettings,
store: PrivateStore
const thumb = ref<HTMLElement>()
const track = ref<HTMLElement>()
const thumbPosition = ref<number>(0)
watchEffect(() => {
if (!thumb.value || !track.value) { return }
if (!store.isEnabled && !settings.enableScrollbarWhileSmoothpageDisabled) { return }
const pageHeight = document.getElementById('smoothpageBody')?.getBoundingClientRect().height
if (!pageHeight) { return }
const trackHeight = track.value!.getBoundingClientRect().height
const thumbHeight = thumb.value!.getBoundingClientRect().height
thumbPosition.value = Number(store.currentScrollPosition) / (pageHeight - trackHeight) * (trackHeight - thumbHeight)
In props u have access to "settings" and "store"
- "settings" - all settings which smoothpage uses for working
- "store" - private store, which stores all states and methods of smoothPage, this store Smoothpage uses under the hood
Then simply provide this component to Smoothpage
<!-- main.ts -->
import MyCustomScrollBar from '../MyCustomScrollBar.vue'
app.use(SmoothPage, {
scrollbarComponent: MyCustomScrollBar
or directly
<!-- layout.ts -->
<smooth-page :settings="{ scrollbarComponent: MyCustomScrollBar }" >