a simple vue file upload component
a simple vue file upload component using XHR
vue file upload component use XHR
1. Install
npm install vue-simple-file-upload
2. Usage
# global injection
import VueSimpleUpload from 'vue-simple-file-upload'
# component injection
import { VueSimpleUpload } from 'vue-simple-file-upload'
export default {
components: { VueSimpleUpload },
export default {
data() {
return {
options: {
className: 'btn-solid',
btnContent: 'Click Me',
url: '/api/files/upload',
accept: 'image/png'
imageUrl: ''
methods: {
fileSizeError(fileNames) {
console.error('Files blow are oversized: ', ...fileNames)
progressUpdate(fileInfoList) {
console.log("upload speed(kb/s):", fileInfoList[0].uploadSpeed)
if (fileInfoList[0].type === 'success') {
// do something
3. options
- url
- file uploading request url
- type String
- required Yes
- btnContent:
- 'choose file' botton content
- type String
- required No
- default 'Choose File'
- className:
- 'choose file' botton class name
- type String ps:multiple className can be added, use space split them
- required No
- default ''
- accept
- file type accepted
- type String ps:same as the 'accept' attribute in <input>
- required No
- default '*'
- multiple
- multiple files upload
- type Boolean
- required No
- default false
- size
- the max file size can be uploaded (Unit: byte)
- type Number
- required No
- default 0 (∞)
- autoStart
- auto upload files after selected
- type Boolean
- required No
- default true
- formData
- custom form-data
- type Object
- required No
- default {}
- headers
- custom headers
- type Object
- required No
- default {}
4. dynamic upload progress
'$emit' function will send the upload message to its parent component, and this function takes one parameter : fileList (Array)
fileList example:
fileInfo: File // the first file you choose.
fileName // the name of first file you choose.
progress // uploaded progress. eg: '15.01%'
uploadSpeed // uploading speed. eg: '1001'(kb/s)
type // uploading status, could be 'waiting', 'uploading', 'success' or 'fail' or 'abort'
id // an unique string, used for upload abort
response // upload requset response (if your file is uploading, this will be an empty Object)
... // more fileList object if it's uploading multiple files
5. catch oversized error
Use '$emit' function to catch oversized error, just like example in '2. Usage'.
6. abort
Abort the uploading request by using this.$refs.XXX.abort()
<vue-simple-upload :options="options" v-on:progress-update="progressUpdate" ref="fileUploadSection">
methods: {
abort(id) {
this.$refs.fileUploadSection.abort() // abort all uploading files
this.$refs.fileUploadSection.abort(id) // abort one uploading file by
7. custom Start // 2017-12-28
If setting "autoStart: false" in your config. You can custom start upload by "id" (default: "all")
<vue-simple-upload :options="options" v-on:progress-update="progressUpdate" ref="fileUploadSection">
methods: {
startUpload(id) {
this.$refs.fileUploadSection.startUpload() // start uploading all files which "type === 'waiting'"
this.$refs.fileUploadSection.startUpload(id) // start uploading file by
// 2017-12-28 TODO: drag upload.