Recursively run hooks before resolving routes
Recursively run hooks before resolving routes
Provides a simplified interface for running custom hooks (i.e. beforeRouteResolve
) on components before resolving routes when using vue-router.
Useful for data pre-fetching and sharing state between the server + client. See the Vue SSR guide on Data Pre-Fetching and State for more information.
npm i vue-router-hooks
Assumes you have Node 8+ and are building the client with babel with the latest shipped Proposals (i.e. async
If you see an error about
not being defined, it's most likely because you don't havebabel
configured correctly forasync
If you aren't using ES6/7 yet, you should start!
Error handling omitted for the sake of brevity
First, in your server and client entry points:
import routerHooks from 'vue-router-hooks';
* Assumes you already have matchedComponents, store, and routes defined.
* Typically used in router.onReady and/or router.beforeResolve depending on
* use-case (client vs. server).
* @see or "Full working example" section
* below for more help if these are foreign concepts
const { beforeRouteResolve, beforeRouteResolveServer } = routerHooks({
hooks: ['beforeResolve', 'beforeRouteResolveServer'], // or 'beforeRouteResolveClient' in the client entry point
// run all beforeRouteResolve hooks recursively, then all beforeRouteResolveServer hooks recursively
await Promise.all( => cb()); // run all promise functions in parallel
await Promise.all( => cb()); // run all promise functions in parallel
// DONE! resolve the route (i.e. resolve(app) or next())
// See "Full working example" below for more details
Then, in your components:
export default {
name 'my-component',
async beforeRouteResolve({ store, route }) {
console.log('I am run before the route resolves on either the server or client')
async beforeRouteResolveServer({ store, route }) {
console.log('I am run before the route resolves on either the server')
async beforeRouteResolveClient({ store, route }) {
console.log('I am run before the route resolves on either the client')
Full working example
* The main entry point for the client.
import 'babel-polyfill';
import createApp from './create-app';
import routerHooks from 'vue-router-hooks';
const { app, router, store } = createApp();
// This is how state data is passed between the server and client. Populated by context.state set in entry.server.js
if (window.__INITIAL_STATE__) {
// onReady is fired a single time, when the initial route navigation is completed. Triggered automatically by vue-router
router.onReady(() => {
* Fetch all async data when routing client-side, before resolving the route.
* Attach after initial route is ready to ensure the hook is only called for subsequent (client-side) routes
* and we don't double-fetch for the initial page route.
* @see
router.beforeResolve(async (to, from, next) => {
const matched = router.getMatchedComponents(to);
const prevMatched = router.getMatchedComponents(from);
// we only care about non-previously-rendered components,
// so we compare them until the two matched lists differ
let diffed = false;
const matchedComponents = matched.filter((c, i) => {
return diffed || (diffed = (prevMatched[i] !== c));
if (!matchedComponents.length) {
return next();
// Allow for route components to asynchronously interact with the store before resolving the route.
const hooks = routerHooks({
route: to,
hooks: ['beforeRouteResolve', 'beforeRouteResolveClient'],
try {
// run all beforeRouteResolve hooks recursively, then all beforeRouteResolveClient hooks recursively
await Promise.all( => cb()));
await Promise.all( => cb()));
} catch (err) {
// be sure to bubble up any errors thrown by promises
return next(err);
* The main entry point for the server.
import 'babel-polyfill';
import routerHooks from 'vue-router-hooks';
import createApp from './app';
export default (context) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const { app, router, store } = createApp();
// set the router's location internally and trigger lifecycle hooks, including onReady
// onReady is fired a single time, when the initial route navigation is completed. triggered by router.push above.
router.onReady(async () => {
const matchedComponents = router.getMatchedComponents();
const err = new Error(`Invalid route: ${context.url}`);
err.code = 404;
if (!matchedComponents.length) {
return reject(err);
// Allow for route components to asynchronously interact with the store before resolving the route.
const hooks = routerHooks({
route: router.currentRoute,
hooks: ['beforeRouteResolve', 'beforeRouteResolveServer'],
try {
// run all beforeRouteResolve hooks recursively, then all beforeRouteResolveServer hooks recursively
await Promise.all( => cb()));
await Promise.all( => cb()));
} catch (err) {
// be sure to bubble up any errors thrown by promises
return reject(err);
* Store now contains the state needed to render the app server-side.
* In order to share this same state client-side (for the purpose of hydration), it is attached to the context.
* This will tell the bundle renderer to serialize & inject the state into index.html as `window.__INITIAL_STATE__`.
* This allows the client entry point (entry.client.js) to populate it's store with the state of the
* application set up server-side, without having to run the same async operations again to populate the state.
context.state = store.state;
}, reject);