A VueJs component building a radar-diagramm
This is a Vue component, you can create a radar diagramm with it. Find it on Github !
How to install it:
npm install vue-radar
Import it where you need it and don't forget to add it to your components
How to use it:
You need to provide statistics, polycolor, radar and scale data to use the v-radar component.
Minimum script required:
import Radar from 'vue-radar'
new Vue({
components: {
'radar': Radar
data: {
radar: {}, // empty object is mandatory
scale: {}, // empty object is mandatory
stats: [ // at least 3 stats are required here
name: 'stat1', // string
value: 12, // int
name: 'stat2',
value: 77,
name: 'stat3',
value: 44,
polycolor: 'rgba(250, 100, 50, .5)' // any css format is usable (hexa, rgb, rgba...)
Full data available:
import Radar from 'vue-radar'
new Vue({
components: {
'radar': Radar
data: {
radar: {
size: '400', // pixel unit
viewbox: '1000', // unit used inside the svg (here 400px = 1000 unités)
radius: '350', // same unit than above (diamètre = 900), keep the radius < (viewbox / 2)
structure: {
external: { // external stroke of the structure's polygon
strokeColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)', // color (any css format is usable (hexa, rgb, rgba...))
strokeWidth: '4', // pixel unit
internals: { // internals stroke of the structure's polygon (one every 10%)
strokeColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .3)', // color (any css format is usable (hexa, rgb, rgba...))
strokeWidth: '1', // pixel unit
average: { // average polygon (placed at 50%)
strokeColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)', // stroke color (any css format is usable (hexa, rgb, rgba...))
strokeWidth: '2', // pixel unit
fillColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .5)', // polygon color (any css format is usable (hexa, rgb, rgba...))
lines: { // lines from center to summits
strokeColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, .3)', // color (any css format is usable (hexa, rgb, rgba...))
strokeWidth: '1', // pixel unit
scale: { // scales of corresponding statistic
stat1: 24, // key must be equal to the corresponding statistic, lowercased and without accents
stat2: 100,
stat3: 100,
stats: [
name: 'stat1', // string
value: 12, // int
shortName: 'A', // The two first letters are used to be display next to their corresponding summits
name: 'stat2',
value: 77,
shortName: 'Super stat'
name: 'stat3',
value: 44,
shortName: 'st'
polycolor: 'rgba(250, 100, 50, .5)' // color (any css format is usable (hexa, rgb, rgba...))