A components that excludes social and tracking codes from pre-rendering usin the prerender-spa-plugin
A components that excludes social and tracking codes from pre-rendering using the prerender-spa-plugin (
Example end page result can be found here
- Setup webpack in production mode
add the following to the prerender-spa-plugin
renderer: new Renderer({
headless: false, // your choice
captureAfterDocumentEvent: 'render-event', // your choice
injectProperty: '$PRERENDER_INJECTED', // This is important
inject: {
disableNonSPAScripts: true, // Set this to true/false
- Use the plugin
import PreRenderExcludeSocial from 'vue-prerender-exclude-social';
* Configure the pre-render plugin
* @property gtm: {} | optional - google tag manager
* @property enable: true, false - enable or disable gmt
* @property gid: String - GMT Id like GTM-NHN7KZT
* @property use: Function | optional - custom function to overwrite the this plugins code injector
* @property fbPixel: {} | optional - facebook pixel
* @property enable: true, false - enable or disable facebook pixel
* @property appId: String - fb App Id
* @property use: Function | optional - custom function to overwrite the this plugins code injector
* @property fbSdk: {} - | optional facebook sdk
* @property enable: true, false - enable or disable facebook SDK
* @property appId: String - fb App Id
* @property use: Function | optional - custom function to overwrite the this plugins code injector
* @property zenDesk: {} | optional - zenDesk chat
* @property enable: true, false - enable or disable zen desk
* @property key: String - Zen desk widget key
* @property use: Function | optional - custom function to overwrite the this plugins code injector
const config = {
gtm: {
enable: true,
gid: 'GTM-NHN7KZT',
fbPixel: {
enable: false,
appId: 'Your App ID',
fbSdk: {
enable: false,
appId: 'Your App ID',
zenDesk: {
enable: false,
key: 'Your Key Id',
Vue.use(PreRenderExcludeSocial, config);
Build Setup
# Get to test page project
cd test-page
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build
# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report