vue-modally is a component based vue modal library, in a simpler term, it lets you use any vue component as asynchronous/synchronous modal programmatically
vue-modally is a component based vue modal library, in a simpler term, it lets you use any vue component as asynchronous/synchronous modal programmatically
you can install vue-modally-v3 with npm or yarn as described below
yarn add vue-modally-v3 // or npm install vue-modally-v3
Usage with Vue3 core
import the installed vue-modally-v3 in your main.js file
import VueModally from 'vue-modally-v3'
then use the .use() method to add VueModally to plugin lists
Add to Nuxt3 project
create a file called vueModally in your plugins folder, then go ahead to define your plugin according to nuxt3 doc, sample code below:
import { defineNuxtPlugin } from "#app";
import VueModally from "vue-modally-v3";
export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => {
nuxtApp.vueApp.use(VueModally, {});
Launch a modal
Now that you are done installing VueModally, next is to launch our first modal, first step is importing your vue modal component
<script setup>
import ModalComponent from './ModalComponent.vue'
then import the useModal composable from vue-modally-v3 library and call it using the imported component as the first argument
<script setup>
import ModalComponent from './ModalComponent.vue'
import {useModal} from 'vue-modally-v3'
let response = await useModal(ModalComponent,{
width: 500,//modal width
blur: false,//true or false
props:{//this will be passed as props to the ModalComponent compoent
someData: 'data',
Last step is adding the <ModalRoot>
component to your root component App.vue
or your main layout in case of nuxt3, this step is very important
Closing modal within modal component
With vue-modally-v3, you can close the modal within itself by emitting the 'close' event,
and any argument passed to the event will be returned as value to where the modal is being called,
this can be used to return decisions made within the modal component,
if user closes the modal with escape key or by clicking outside, the returned value will be null