A Vue.js wrapper for the LaunchDarkly SDK for Browser JavaScript
Vue LaunchDarkly
A simple wrapper around the js-client-sdk that provides observable feature flags, a ready state to ensure all feature flags are up to date, and routing utilities. Compatabile with both Vue 2 and Vue 3 via vue-demi.
$ npm install --save vue-ld launchdarkly-js-client-sdk
- Requires
for Vue 2 support.
import Vue from 'vue';
import { VueLd } from 'vue-ld';
Vue.use(VueLd, {
clientSideId: 'YOUR_CLIENT_SIDE_ID',
user: {
key: '...',
email: '...',
name: '...',
options: {
// Standard LaunchDarkly JavaScript SDK options
Additional Plugin Options
| key | description | default | type |
| :-------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------- | ------------------ |
| readyBeforeIdentify
| If set to false, the $ld.ready
will only be true after identify has been called. | true
| Boolean
| flagsStub
| If provided, the ldClient will not be initialized and $ld.flags
will set to the provided stub; this can be helpful in e2e tests. | undefined
| Object
/ Proxy
<div v-if="$ld.ready && $ld.flags.yourFlag">
// Render after feature flags are ready
A wrapper around ldClient.identify
to allow for
export default {
methods: {
vueLdCallback() {
// ...
watch: {
user(to) {
const options = {
newUser: to,
this.$ld.identify(options, this.vueLdCallback);
| key | description | type |
| :-------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------- |
| options
| The standard ldclient.identify
arguments. | object
| vueLdCallback
| A method called after the identify promise resolves; bound to the $ld context. | function
Redirect Mixin
Adds a temporary redirect watcher that will either redirect or destroy itself after the flags are ready.
import { ldRedirectMixin } from 'vue-ld';
export default {
// ...
mixins: [ldRedirectMixin('yourFlag', { name: 'home' })],
// ...
| key | description | type |
| :------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------- |
| requiredFlag
| If the given feature flag is false, the user will be redirected to the given route. | string
| to
| The path which vue router will push. Functions passed are expected to resolve to a valid path. | string
, object
, or function
| invertFlag
| If set to true the the inverse of the requiredFlag's value will be used. | boolean
LDRouteGuard Component
Use this as an intermediary component on a route you need to guard with a feature flag; it is based on the ldRedirectMixin
import { LDRouteGuard } from 'vue-ld';
import SecretComponent from '@/components/Secret';
const route = {
path: '/secret',
component: LDRouteGuard,
props: {
component: SecretComponent,
componentProps: { exampleProp: true },
requiredFeatureFlag: 'palantir',
to: { name: 'away' },
| key | description | type |
| :--------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------- |
| component
| The component to be rendered given the required feature flag is true. | vue component
| componentProps
| The props object to hand to the component above. | object
| requiredFlag
| If the given feature flag is false, the user will be redirected to the given route. | string
| to
| The path which vue router will push. Functions passed are expected to resolve to a valid path. | string
, object
, or function
| invertFlag
| If set to true the the inverse of the requiredFlag's value will be used. | boolean
After cloning the repo to your machine:
$ npm install
$ npm run watch
If you wish to test out your changes in another project locally, you can install with npm install --save <your_local_path_to_/vue-ld>
. Your vue app will detect changes so long as vue-ld is being watched (by running npm run watch