vue component for interactive graphics (drag and drop, visualization and two way data binding)
vue-interactive-graphics (geometry?)
Vue-interactive-graphics component allows to manipulate easily geometric objects by drag and two way data-binding. Under the hood, it uses d3.js.
- width, height: (numbers), dimentions in pixels of the component
- dataString: (string), JSON object as a string representing the data
- dataUpdate ( fun: string -> void ) update function called when vue-interactive-graphics modifies some values in the data (when the user drags some element)
data structure
data passed is a JSON object given to vue-interactive-graphics as a string and is composed by the following elements:
- instr: List of instructions (Line, Circle, etc.). All of them are listed below.
- layerOrder: Indicates layers to display and in which order
- drawSize: size of the drawing area (indicated by fields w and h).
- background: (OPTIONAL) background color, by default white.
Line Instruction
Line instructions have the following fields:
- x1,y1,x2,y2: coordinates of the first point and second point as in the SVG spec.
- stroke: (OPTIONAL) color of the line (by default: '#ccc')
- stroke-width: (OPTIONAL) width of the line (by default 1)
Circle instruction
Circle instruction have the following fields:
- cx,cy,r: center and radius of the circle
- stroke: (OPTIONAL) color of the line (by default: '#ccc')
- stroke-width: (OPTIONAL) width of the line (by default 1)
- fill: (OPTIONAL) filling of the area (default: 'black')
- text: (OPTIONAL) text at the center of the circle
- textColor: (OPTIONAL) color of text
- textStroke: (OPTIONAL) border color of the text
- draggable: (OPTIONAL) allows user to drag the shape
Rectangle instruction
Rectangle instruction have the following fields:
- x,y,width,height: coordinates and size of the rectangle
- stroke: (OPTIONAL) color of the line (by default: '#ccc')
- stroke-width: (OPTIONAL) width of the line (by default 1)
- fill: (OPTIONAL) filling of the area (default: 'black')
- text: (OPTIONAL) text at the center of the circle
- textColor: (OPTIONAL) color of text
- textStroke: (OPTIONAL) border color of the text
- draggable: (OPTIONAL) allows user to drag the shape
- resize: (OPTIONAL) allows user to resize rectangle. Possible values are:
- constantSurface: surface stay the same as user resizes the shape.
Grid instruction
Grid instruction have the following fields:
- dim-x, dim-y: size of the grid mesh
- x,y,w,h: coordinates and size of the grid
- stroke: (OPTIONAL) color of the line (by default: '#ccc')
- stroke-width: (OPTIONAL) width of the line (by default 1)
- fill: (OPTIONAL) filling of the lines (default: 'black')
Rounded path
- radius: radius of turns
- width: width of the stroke
- instructions: list of x,y coordinates of the drawing points
- dim-x: width of tile
- dim-y: height of tile
- array: array of array of booleans
- x,y: position of array
- stroke: (OPTIONAL) color of the line (by default: '#aaa')
- stroke-width: (OPTIONAL) width of the line (by default 0)
- fill: (OPTIONAL) filling of the area (default: 'black')
- update: emited when the user changes something in the drawing and returns new drawing instructions
- change: emited when the user changes something in the drawing and returns a json object containing:
- id: id of the instruction (position in the instruction array)
- changes: dict with values (k,v) where k is the key and v the new value
- layers : vue-interactive-graphics is given a list of layers. Each layer can be interpreted as a group element (g) in SVG. Each layer contains geometric elements like lines, rectangles, circles, text etc.
- geometric element : Each geometric element is composed of display properties according to its type and coordinates.
- scaling factor : According to component size and drawing size, dimentions are scaled.
- mobile support
- add click event
- add scenarii
- firefox multiple selection compatibility
- bug add instruction (grid case)