Integrate Phrase In-Context Editor into your Vue I18n app with ease!
Vue I18n Phrase In-Context Editor
Vue I18n Phrase In-Context Editor is the official library for integrating Phrase Strings In-Context Editor with Vue I18n.
:scroll: Documentation
To get started, have a look at the documentation. There you will find API docs, getting started guide, examples and much more!
:hammer: Development
# install deps
pnpm install
# build dist files
pnpm build
# serve examples at localhost:3000
cd examples/vue3
pnpm install
pnpm dev
# lint & fix files
pnpm lint
# run all tests
pnpm test
:white_check_mark: Commits & Pull Requests
We welcome anyone who wants to contribute to our codebase, so if you notice something, feel free to open a Pull Request! However, we ask that you please use the Conventional Commits specification for your commit messages and titles when opening a Pull Request.
Example: chore: Update README
We have an automated version management and release process based off of this message convention, so it'd be highly appreciated if you could follow this coding guideline.
:question: Issues, Questions, Support
Please use GitHub issues to share your problem, and we will do our best to answer any questions or to support you in finding a solution.
:memo: Changelog
Detailed changes for each release are documented in the changelog.
:package: Releasing
Package is being released automatically with the use of Semantic Release Action. Just push a commit to the master and a new version will be released right away!