## Introduction
is a VueJs component gives you a ready made interface to the HuddleAI platform that can be dropped into an existing Vue project or into a HTML page. It allows you to quickly deploy a bot to your own site.
Vue Project
If you have an existing Vue project, you can use this component as you would any other, it does require Vuex so if you already are using this, you just pass the store in and if not, you will need to install Vuex.
Install as normal with npm
npm install --save vue-huddle-chat
and then in your src/main.js file add the following prior to your new Vue()
import VueHuddleChat from 'vue-huddle-chat'
Vue.use(VueHuddleChat, {store: store})
and in your component you can now use
<vue-huddle-chat token="97207f9a60a465ee3e9a1498c1a04301767237a81eb8d622" />
UMD Package - HTML
If you have a non-vue project you need to add the bot to, then you can use the umd package. In your html call the following scripts:
<script src="[email protected]/dist/vue.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel='stylesheet' href="">
This will import the necessary code, next we need to create a small Vue app on your page, and import the bot. Now we can place an app tag where we want the bot to appear.
<div id="app">
<vue-huddle-chat token="your-token-goes-here" />
Next at the end of the body content, we run a script to finish the setup.
var store = new Vuex.Store()
Vue.use(VueHuddleChat.default, { store: store })
var app = new Vue({
el: '#app'
This will create a Vuex store, then add VueHuddleChat to vue and then run a small Vue app attached, the bot is now integrated and you can start styling to your needs.
Default: '' | Type: String
The endpoint configures where the bot will access the platform, this defaults to the standard api URL, however, if you have an on-premise install or custom configuration, you can alter it here.
Required: true | Type: String
You specify the token for your account here in order to get access
Default: 'Ask me something...' | Type: String
This is the text that appears in the input box before the user starts typing.
Default: [] | Type: Array
If you want to have the bot introduce themselves, then you can pass a list of messages you wish to show, for example
intro: [
"Hi, I'm Kevin.",
'Ask me about something interesting.'
Default: 1000 | Type: Number
This is the number of milliseconds between intro messages on start.
Default: undefined | Type: String
If you are using an intro you may wish to simulate a message sent from the user to get a response from the server, an example could be How many visitors were there at the website yesterday?
. The example question is asked at the end of the intro messages and will simulate the user asking the question thereby giving an uptodate data response.
Default: false | Type: Boolean
This enables audio notifications of incoming messages to the user
Default: (see below) | Type: Object
This is an object containing the mime type as the key and the url to the sound as the value. The default value is as follows:
"audio/mpeg": "",
"audio/ogg": ""