Component for vue that will only show its children when an ajax call is successful.
Vue-guard-component is a vue component built with webpack. It guards access to child components inside by making an ajax call to an api route to determine if the component inside (child) should be displayed.
If you want to include the uncompiled component instead of a compiled webpack js file you can require/import the file at vue-guard-component/src/js/vue-guard-component.js
To use the component, you need to set a function that returns true or false (or 'error').
npm install --save vue-guard-component
yarn add vue-guard-component
Initialize Vue-guard-component
import guard from 'vue-guard-component';
Vue.component('guard', guard);
GuardConfig default values are:
path: '/api/v1/route/access',
property: 'id',
authFunction: RequestBundler.bundleRequest
To change default config (path, property):
import { guardConfig } from 'vue-guard-component';
guardConfig.path = '/other/ajax/path'; = 'slug';
guardConfig.authFunction: function (url, data) {
// e.g. api call to check
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
ajaxRequest(url, data).then((response) => {
resolve(; // response is true, false
}, (error) => {
The authFunction takes the url and data (resource, property, value). The function should return a promise on which the guard component will act on. Guard-accepted = resolve(true), guard-denied = resolve(false), guard-error reject(...).
The default authFunction (RequestBundler.bundleRequest) will automatically bundle requests to the same url.
To use the class for other purposes you can import it:
import { RequestBundler } from 'vue-guard-component';
or as a singleton:
import { requestBundler } from 'vue-guard-component';
The resource that will be sent to the backend to check for access (could be eg. a frontend-route in vue-router)
- type: String
- required: true
Url for the ajax call, will override the default specified in guardConfig
- type: String
- required: false
If the resource needs to match to something (like a model in laravel), then this is the property that it will be matched against, e.g. id or slug.
- type: String
- required: false,
- default: 'id' (from guardConfig)
The value of the property to match against.
- required: false
Use the Component
<guard resource="restricted-component">
<guard resource="show-model" property="id" value="1">
<guard resource="restricted-component" v-on:guard-accepted="accepted()" v-on:guard-denied="denied()">
<guard resource="other-type" url="/api/route/to/other/access">
<guard resource="other-type">
<non-restricted-component slot="noAccess"></non-restricted-component>
The component will emit events to the parent. "guard-accepted" when the ajax call gets "true" as response and "guard-denied" when it gets "false" as a response. To listen to them you use v-on in the template (like above). If there was an error or exception thrown, then "guard-error" will be emitted.
Only the first slot will be rendered. If you want something to be rendered when no access is granted, you can add slot="noAccess" to a component (see example).
SPA / Laravel-frontend-rights
This component was designed for use in a SPA and with the backend package laravel-frontend-rights in mind. It can ofcourse be used for other purposes as well. The resource would be the frontend route in vue-router.