// 在入口文件引入注册
import vueGather from 'vue-gather'
Options : comp-count-to
| Property | Description | type | default | | ----------------- | ---------------- | :--------: | :----------: | | startVal | the value you want to begin at |Number| 0 | | endVal | the value you want to arrive at |Number | 2022 | | duration | duration in millisecond | Number | 3000 | | autoplay | when mounted autoplay | Boolean | true | | decimals | the number of decimal places to show | Number | 0 | | decimal | the split decimal | String | . | | separator | the separator | String | , | | prefix | the prefix | String | '' | | suffix | the suffix | String | '' | | useEasing | is use easing function | Boolean | true | | easingFn | the easing function | Function | — |
** notes: when autoplay:true , it will auto start when startVal or endVal change **
Functions : comp-count-to
| Function Name | Description | | :-----------------: | ----- | | mountedCallback | when mounted will emit mountedCallback | | start | start the countTo | | pause | pause the countTo | | reset | reset the countTo |
Options : comp-video
| Property | Description | type | default | | ----------------- | ---------------- | :--------: | :----------: | | data | 视频信息 | Object | { url,name...} | | controls | 是否显示控制条 | Boolean | false | | muted | 是否静音 | Boolean | true |
Options : comp-bar-list
| Property | Description | type | default | | ----------------- | ---------------- | :--------: | :----------: | | data | 数据 | Array | -- |
Options : comp-describe-box
| Property | Description | type | default | | ----------------- | ---------------- | :--------: | :----------: | | values | 数据文本 | Array | ['我是#高亮# 文本'] 注意:#text#,包裹为高亮文本 | | highlight | 高亮文本 | String | 'yellow' |
Options : comp-border-box
| Property | Description | type | default | | ----------------- | ---------------- | :--------: | :----------: | | title | 标题文本 | String | '' | | width | 宽度 | Number | 0 | | height | 高度 | Number | 0 | | titleType | 标题背景图类型 | String | '1' | | loading | 加载状态 | Boolean | false |
Options : comp-chart
| Property | Description | type | default | | ----------------- | ---------------- | :--------: | :----------: | | data | 数据 | Array | -- | | colorList | 默认色值 | Array | -- | | chartType | 类型 | String | 'bar' | | barWidth | 柱宽 | Number | -- | | showLegend | 图例 | Boolean | true | | showGraphic | 渐变 | Boolean | true | | showXAxis | X轴 | Boolean | true | | showYAxis | Y抽 | Boolean | true | | showTooltip | 提示框 | Boolean | true | | lgPosition | 图例Pos | Object | -- | | girdPosition | GirdPos | Object | -- | | customOptions | 自定义配置 | Object | -- | | onlyOptions | 唯一配置 | Object | -- | | autoAnimation | 轮巡重绘开关 | Boolean | false | | animationTime | 重绘间隔 | Number | 10000 |
Options : comp-chart-map
| Property | Description | type | default | | ----------------- | ---------------- | :--------: | :----------: | | data | 数据 | Array | -- | | customOptions | 自定义配置 | Object | -- | | geoJson | geojson数据 | Object | -- |