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Public repository maintained by
Example project (my stand in for real documentation)
Created with help from "Program With Erik's" excellent demostrations.
Version History...
| Version | Project State | | :---: | --- | | 0.0._ | Efforts to learn how to deploy a plugin | | 0.1.0 | M.V.P. works as a plug-in! | | 0.1.3 | Plug-in v-model binding fixed. Props no longer an interface. | | 0.1._ | Document current state & refactor goals | | 0.1.8 | Begin major refactor | | 0.1.9 | Test major refactor in the wild | | 0.1.9_ | Iron out bugs (work in progress) | | ~~0.2.0~~ | ~~Add test suite~~ (not yet begun) |
Note: As of 0.1.8, some items in the proposed refactor goals are being incorporated.
Current Usage...
| Prop | Type | Default | Note |
| ---- | ---- | ------- | ---- |
| initialNumber | Number | undefined | Initial value of new input|
| placeholder | String | undefined | Text displayed when there is no value. Compatible with Prime Face's floating labels. |
| prefix | String | undefined | Useful for currency symbols, such as $ or ¥ |
| max | Number | 999,999.00 | Upper limit allowed. Inputs exceed this will be rounded down. |
| allowedDecimalPlaces | Number | 0
| Allows decimals, and maintains set decimal places on blur. |
| allowEmpty | Boolean | true
| If false, empty input will default to 0 on blur |
| diagnosticMode | Boolean | false
| Exposes realtime model data in the UI and dev console. |
Intended Expansion of Functionality (the to-do list)...
| Prop | Type | Default | Note |
| ---- | ---- | ------- | ---- |
| initialNumber | [Number || Ref] | v-model | If there is no pre-existing model value, use this to initiate one. If there is a model value, but you'd rather not show it until the user interacts, assign initialNumber="null" |
| defaultTo (was allowEmpty) | Number (was Boolean) | null | If a parameter exists, an empty field will default to this value on blur. | |
| allowNegative | Boolean | false
| Allow minus symbol (-
) for negative number evaluation |
| min | Number | -999,999.00 | Lowest limit allowed (presently, no negative number is permitted) |
| disabled | Boolean | false
| Input disabled attribute. |
| allowFraction | Boolean | false
| Allow slash sign (/
) for factional evaluation. |
| enableUnicode | Boolean | false
| Evaluate prefix and suffix as Unicode (bug fix). |
| suffix | String | '' | Useful for clarification in-line, such as "__ days since this village wrongfully accused someone of being a werewolf. or "__ per customer" |
| allowCalculation | Boolean | false
| Allow leading equal sign (=
) to trigger formula evaluation. |
Bug notes...
- ~~Model B is displaying
when empty, despite:allowEmpty = "true"
.~~ - ~~Inputs are allowing spacebar to enter an empty char after a decimal.~~
- ~~Entering only a
does not return0.
~~ - Unicode prefixes are being displayed as suffix.