High performant Vue file upload component with elegant and distinguishable previews for every file type and support for drag and drop, validations, default uploader with progress support and externally customizable in the "vue way"
Vue File Agent
Every file deserves to be treated equally
High performant Vue file upload component with elegant and distinguishable previews for every file type and support for drag and drop, validations, default uploader with progress support and externally customizable in the "vue way"
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- Exclusively designed for Vue with performance and simplicity in mind
- No dependency but small footprint - 17KB minified, gzipped
- Elegant and responsive design with two official themes: grid view and list view
- File input with drag and drop with support for folders
- Smooth Transitions
- Multiple File Uploads
- Max File Size, Accepted file types validation
- Image/Video/Audio Previews
- File type icons
- Default uploader with progress
- Externally controllable via Vue bindings and methods
- Built in support for server side validation and error handling
- Official Upload Server Examples for PHP and Node Js
- File names can be edited with
prop - Intuitive drag & drop sortable with
prop - Resumable uploads with
prop through protocol - Can be used with any css/component framework, including but not limited to: Bootstrap, Bulma, Tailwind, Vuetify, etc.
Basic Usage
<VueFileAgent :uploadUrl="uploadUrl" v-model="fileRecords"></VueFileAgent>
NOTE: when uploadUrl
is provided, auto uploading is enabled. See Advanced Usage section below for manual uploading example.
export default {
data() {
return {
// ...
fileRecords: [],
uploadUrl: '',
// ...
// ...
That's it?
Yes. That's it. It's that simple. See Advanced Usage section below to tailor it for your specific needs.
npm install vue-file-agent --save
import Vue from 'vue';
import VueFileAgent from 'vue-file-agent';
import VueFileAgentStyles from 'vue-file-agent/dist/vue-file-agent.css';
or with script tag
<!-- jsdelivr cdn -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<script src=""></script>
<!-- unpkg -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<script src=""></script>
Advanced Usage
:helpText="'Choose images or zip files'"
type: 'Invalid file type. Only images or zip Allowed',
size: 'Files should not exceed 10MB in size',
<button :disabled="!fileRecordsForUpload.length" @click="uploadFiles()">
Upload {{ fileRecordsForUpload.length }} files
export default {
data: function () {
return {
fileRecords: [],
uploadUrl: '',
uploadHeaders: { 'X-Test-Header': 'vue-file-agent' },
fileRecordsForUpload: [],
methods: {
uploadFiles: function () {
// Using the default uploader. You may use another uploader instead.
this.$refs.vueFileAgent.upload(this.uploadUrl, this.uploadHeaders, this.fileRecordsForUpload);
this.fileRecordsForUpload = [];
deleteUploadedFile: function (fileRecord) {
// Using the default uploader. You may use another uploader instead.
this.$refs.vueFileAgent.deleteUpload(this.uploadUrl, this.uploadHeaders, fileRecord);
filesSelected: function (fileRecordsNewlySelected) {
var validFileRecords = fileRecordsNewlySelected.filter((fileRecord) => !fileRecord.error);
this.fileRecordsForUpload = this.fileRecordsForUpload.concat(validFileRecords);
onBeforeDelete: function (fileRecord) {
var i = this.fileRecordsForUpload.indexOf(fileRecord);
if (i !== -1) {
this.fileRecordsForUpload.splice(i, 1);
} else {
if (confirm('Are you sure you want to delete?')) {
this.$refs.vueFileAgent.deleteFileRecord(fileRecord); // will trigger 'delete' event
fileDeleted: function (fileRecord) {
var i = this.fileRecordsForUpload.indexOf(fileRecord);
if (i !== -1) {
this.fileRecordsForUpload.splice(i, 1);
} else {
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