Automatically load/reload data from feathers services to vue components with live and reactive queries.
Automatically load/reload data from feathers services to vue components. Load queries are live and reactive. Feathers client must be configured with feathers-reactive.
npm i -S vue-feathers-hotload
In entry js:
import app from 'pathToYourFeathersClient' // configured feathers client app here
app.use ...
app.setup() // must use and setup all client-side services before Vue.use(VueFeathersHotload)
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueFeathersHotload from 'vue-feathers-hotload'
Vue.use (VueFeathersHotload, app, {
idField: 'id' // id field name for all services. '_id' by default
In Vue components:
data: function () {
return {
a: ...,
b: ...
hotloads: function () {
return {
item: function () { // item would be an object containing the loaded data
return {
service: 'feathersServiceName',
idField: 'id', // id field name for this services. '_id' by default
id: function() {
return {
// the id of of the item. Can use this.a/b to make the id. Reactively reload when this.a/b changes
then: function (result) {
// do something when loaded/reloaded
catch: function (error) {
// do something when laoding is failed
list: function () { // list would be an array containing the returned data, with proper list.length/total/limit/skip properties. The list is an object too, and items can be accessed via `list[id]`
return {
service: 'feathersServiceName',
idField: 'id', // id field name for this services. '_id' by default
query: function() {
return {
// your live query here. Can use this.a/b in query. Reactively reload when this.a/b changes
// $limit, $skip, $sort, $select, $in, $lt ... all supported and watched for live query
object: true, // make
then: function (result) {
// do something when loaded/reloaded
catch: function (error) {
// do something when laoding is failed
A more detailed example in coffee (I always tell you coffee is neat):
data: ->
id: 'xxxxxxx' # for item id below
sort: 1 # or -1, for $sort below
limit: 10 # for $limit below
hotloads: ->
item: ->
service: 'xxx'
idField: 'id'
id: -> # will reload when changes
then: (result) -> ...
catch: (error) -> ...
list: ->
service: 'xxx'
idField: 'id'
qeury: ->
someField: someValue
$select: ['field1', 'field2', ...]
field1: this.sort # will reload when this.sort changes
$limit: this.limit # will reload when this.limit changes
then: (result) -> console.log result
catch: (error) -> console.log error
Then this.item
, this.list
can be used in your Vue component.
Bonus: reading/writing flags for cached services
If you are using feathers-cache, any cached services have extra flags to show if the services are reading from or writing to the remote server. And the bonus is, once vue-feathers-hotload
is used, these reading/writing flags become reactive and can be directly used in vue component. For example:
import cache from 'feathers-cache'
app.use 'cachedServiceName', cache {...} # define your client-side cached service
app.setup() # initialize services
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueFeathersHotload from 'vue-feathers-hotload'
Vue.use VueFeathersHotload, app
Now you can do this in your vue component's <script>
# the three are identical
myService1: -> this.$
myService2: -> this.$services.cachedServiceName
myService3: -> this.$feathers.service(cachedServiceName)
And in your component's <template>
<div v-if="myService2.saving">...</div>